Did This asshole Just Call Me Lex?!

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"Wait wait wait so you seen him almost naked?" Reagan plopped herself down on my bed and waited while I got dressed for school. She had on a floral romper and some strappy sandals her blonde hair curled to perfection and her make up looked like it was applied by professionals.

I slipped into some ripped skinny jeans and a Aerosmith T-shirt that was two sizes too big. I tucked it in the front and slipped on an old pair of converse. Reagan used to try and get me to wear more girly stuff but after losing the same argument over and over she finally gave up but that doesn't mean she doesn't show the distaste on her face.

"Well he had boxers on." I grabbed my school bag and threw it over my shoulder and then grabbed my gym bag. She climbed out of my bed and followed me down to the kitchen where my mom and dad were. Mom was cooking breakfast and dad was reading the paper, the same way he does every morning.

"Morning honey! I made your favorite...pancakes!" My mom gestured towards a plate stacked with pancakes and sausage.

"Hi sweetheart, I know you won't eat this but I made you an oatmeal and there's a bowl of fruit beside it."

"Thank you Karen!" My best friend gushed grabbing her food and took a seat next to my dad who smiled brightly over his paper at her. My parents treat Reagan like their own daughter since we are practically sisters.

"Morning mom! Dad! Beauty queen! And swamp troll." My idiot of a younger brother Elijah came barreling into the kitchen. He's a year younger than I am but we are thicker than thieves.

"Eli be nice to your sister. Hey kiddo you ready for the game this week?" My dad folded the paper and turned his attention towards me. I took a seat on the other side of him across from Reagan. My dads brown eyes and brown hair mirrored mine. My mom has a light colored brown hair but big blue eyes. I look like my dad while Elijah looks just like our mom. You can't even tell we are related except for our mouths and noses.

"Yes we've been training hard for this. I'm pretty confident that we've got this."

"Sweetheart don't forget tonight we are having dinner with our new neighbors, I work with Rosa and she kindly invited the family over. Dinner is at seven."

"Okay I'll be here before then. We've got to go! See you after school." We tossed our dishes into the sink and grabbed our bags dashing out the door. My brother Elijah jumped into the backseat texting his girlfriend Molly.

"So if my girlfriend asks me about her puss-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence you little creep! I'm all for you becoming a man and all but I don't want to hear about your girls private parts and I'm sure she doesn't want to talking about it to your older sister either."

"Yeah well I don't have a brother, you're all I've got."

"Ask Shawn, I'm sure he will be a better option for ya."

"Sometimes I wish I had a brother or at least a sister who ya know had experience in this situation. You've been dating Caleb how long? Almost three months? And you're still a virgin, it doesn't make sense."

"Ouch asshole." I couldn't help but roll my eyes even though his words cut deeper than I led on.

"I mean I love you and all but you're no help! Molly and I have already went all the way I just don't know what I did wrong." My little brother had sex before I did? I mean he is only a year younger but still. It's not that I haven't thought about doing it I'm just not sure if I'm ready. Caleb is happy to wait until I am ready but what if I never am ready?

By the time Reagan parked the car I couldn't get out of there fast enough. The air in the car had became insufferable Reagan parked by the rest of our friends who were standing around their cars talking before the bell rang like we do everyday.

"Shawn talk to him. He needs brotherly advice and I apparently am useless." I watched Rico and Ryan having a marshmallow eating contest.

"Advice about what?" Shawn's eyes beaded with curiosity.

"Sex." He made an O' with his mouth and pulled my brother away from the crowd to have a one on one. Shawn is a player, he's been through his fair share of chicks but I'm hoping for mine and my brothers sakes he doesn't give him shit advice because the last thing I need is for my brother to become a manwhore.

"Hey babygirl! You never called me last night." Caleb made his way through the crowd wrapping his arms around me placing a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away saying hello to some of the guys.

"Sorry practice was rough I went home and passed out." I offered him a small smile. His blue eyes darkened with sympathy. His blonde hair spiked with gel going in several different directions. He had on light wash jeans with a white V-neck shirt and his football letterman jacket. He's built from years and years of football and he's way out of my league that's for sure.

"My parents want you to come over to dinner tonight. It's been almost three months and you've never met them." It's not that I don't want to meet his parents it's just I don't know if we are there in our relationship yet.

"I can't I have dinner with our new neighbors, a coworker of my moms."

"This weekend then?" His blue eye begging and I huffed before agreeing. They aren't going to like me. I'm not exactly the ideal image for the all star quarterback.

"Okay." I nod as watched a bright smile spread across his face before he planted a kiss on my temple and draped his arm over my shoulder.

The sound of a motorcycle tumbled speeding through the parking lot going way too fast bobbing and weaving until whoever was driving parked right beside Reagan's car in an empty parking spot. We all watched as none other than Sergio fucking Gonzalez pulled his helmet off shaking his black hair before throwing his leg off of his bike standing to his full height. His black jeans were torn and his white T-shirt was spotless under his black leather jacket.

"Hey Lex." He flashed me his pearly white perfect teeth before winking at me while shaking hands with some of the guys from the team. Wait hold the phone did this asshole just call me Lex?!

"What was that all about?" Caleb asks tilting his head towards where Sergio was laughing at Rico and Ryan aging them both on as if they need any motivation.

"No idea."

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