Bro-in-law time

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Thank you to Human_World for voting and commenting!! ♡♡
Chapter 19

"Belle, I might have to go out for charity event tonight-"

"Ohh Yay!!! Finally I can get out of the house!! For two weeks you had imprisoned me here. I get to see the outside world finally."

"Wait... Who said you were coming? You didnt even let me finish my sentence. I was about to say that Jason will be at home tonight so you wont be alone."

I frowned and he grinned innocently.

"Belle, do you still have the pain in your abdomen like last time or any pain?"

"Nope Aiden . So can I come with you ?" I asked pleadingly.

"No. Stay with Jason." Aiden said as he closed his laptop.

"I hate you Aiden"

"I know you love me. So stop with your childish tantrums and lets eat breakfast"


"Hello Aiden and Vic!! I made some Chinese Noodles for breakfast. I learnt them when I was in Seattle. Its good. Try some." Jason said with enthusiasm.

"Seriously bro? When did you started cooking?" Aiden asked with doubt.

"Eversince I went to Uni. Stop looking down on me alright? Honestly,I had more girls after me than you in Highschool. Doesnt that show who is more talented?"

"Yeah you mean the nerds after you?? Hahahaha. Come on, I had the Cheerheads and Dance girls after me. "

"Atleast I was not drooling after Natasha and carrying her bag an-... Sorry I didnt mean to bring her up."

"Its okay Jason. I definitely was blindly in love with her but I now I know she isnt what she seems like. Come , lets dig in"

"Aiden!!! Where are the noodles??!" Jason shouted in horror.



Both Aiden and Jason said in the same time.

"Oops sorry guys. I was hungry and your converstaion was too boring so I started eating first. And Jason, this is good. You should cook often."

"Belle, this is unfair"

"Life is unfair Mr Ryan and you never told me that you used to carry bags for girls. "

"That was last time. Now Im a CEO ,you see? But if you want, I can carry. Can you make me some grilled cheese sandwiches now???"Aiden pleaded.

"Naaah Aiden and I will make them now. And Jason, I will make for you too".


Aiden left for the Charity event some time ago. Jen said she was coming over in an hour. Maybe I could introduce Jen to Jason... and who knows, the cupid might attack them.

I saw Jason chilling by the pool so I went to sit beside him.

He smiled and looked around the place.

"Hey Vic, has Aiden ever told you why does he call you Belle?"
Wow that was sudden. Hmm ...but I always wanted to know why he calls me that.

"No Jason. Belle is my middle name. I guess Aiden likes that name?"

"Yes he loves and misses that name."

"What does that mean,Jason" I asked Jason looking puzzled.

"We had a younger sister ; Belle Amanda Ryan."

"Had? What happened to her?"

"She passed away when she was just 3 months old. No one knows how. She was dead when we found her in the room. Aiden was the closest to her. He had always wanted a younger sister. He used to spend all day with her. He was practically her second mother. When Belle passed  away, he was the most distraught. He refused to eat properly or talk with us. It took him around 2 years to get back to normal. Even now, Im sure he still thinks of it. When you were pregnant, he asked me if it was a baby girl, can he name it Amanda. He was very excited for this baby but unfortunately its gone now. If I ever see Natasha, I will kill her!!!"

As I heard what Jason said I couldnt stop crying. My feet refused to move.

The door bell rang...

"Jason, I think its Jen. Tell her that Im not feeling well and maybe you and her can go out for a dinner."

"Okay I will bring her out. Sorry for telling you all these but I felt that you have the need to to know this. Aiden never tells anyone about his deepest sorrows. As his wife,you need to know this." Jason said as he left the poolside.


I went back to my room and thought about how excited Aiden would have been for the baby. If only I had been careful.

The only thing I can do to makeup for this is to give him the child he has always wanted and be a good wife to him.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Isnt it sad that Aiden had faced such a big loss when he was younger...

Will Victoria be able to make up for the loss?

Im glad Natasha has gone off Aiden's life but might there be more trouble coming in?

Stay tuned!!

I hope you guys liked the Chap!! Pleaseee VOTE AND COMMENT.

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