Mrs Ginger

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Chapter 9

It started pouring heavily. I have been walking along the road to find somewhere to sit. My dress was drenched. The cold raindrops mixed with my warm tears. I know, I have hurt Aiden today but I couldnt suppress my feelings anymore.

Suddenly, a car pulled up infront of me. A old lady and man were in it .

"Young lady, do you need a lift? Its raining so heavily" asked the old man.

"No sir, its okay. Im heading to a park to spend my night"

"Oh dear, you look like you have cried a lot. Anything wrong, love? Asked the old lady with concern.

"I fought with my husband" I said with more tears rolling down my cheecks.

"Come in , love. You can stay with us in our apartment"the old lady said opening her car door for me.


The old man and lady introduced themselves as Mr and Mrs Ginger.

Mrs Ginger gave me a towel to dry myself and her daughter's dress to wear.

After dinner with the lovely couple, they let me sleep in their daughter's room. Mrs Ginger told that their daughter has moved in with her husband, so I can stay here as long as I want, without having to worry.

Sleep didnt near me as sorrow has conquered me. I kept on replaying today's incident and all I could do is to blame me for expecting too much from Aiden. Its only been a week since we have been married. I looked at my phone to see if I have received any calls from Aiden. None. I guess its expected.

Finally, my sorrow gave up and sleep took over.


It has been 3 weeks since I have came to  Ginger's. I have assisted Mr and Mrs Ginger in their mini bakery to pass time. They have seen me as their daughter and cared for me till I can even forget my past.
But the past is a plague. It doesnt leave you completely. Does it?

On a Saturday, I was watching the news when they featured Aiden for a segment. I wasnt shocked to see him. I felt happy that he isnt growing a beard or drinking heavily like what normal husbands do when their wives fought with them. Because he doesnt treat me as a wife.

Ryan Holdings have gained more successes in merging with Gina Holdings, another law firm equally known as Ryan Holdings.

As I was watching Aiden speaking on the TV, tears rolled down my eyes without my consent. I miss Aiden. His presence. His voice. All in 3 weeks.

"Your husband, Aiden Dave Ryan ,wasnt like this before, Victoria" said Mrs Ginger

I had told Mr Ginger about what happened on that day between me and Aiden but I never told that my husband was Aiden.
Maybe she read it from the news during our wedding.

I wiped off my tear and looked at her with utter shock.

"Aiden used to be fun-loving, gentle, kind, sweet and carefree until his life took a twist 3 years ago" said Mrs Ginger.

"Mrs Ginger, how do you know about Aiden?"

"I used to work as his helper in his house. Aiden moved into his mansion on his 20th birthday. He hired me then to take care of his house. When he turned 23, things took a change and he isolated himself focusing only on his job. He has been through a lot,Victoria"

"But Mrs Ginger, why cant he share anything with me? Im his wife. His better half"

"It takes time. The walls Aiden have built around him are only breaking if you have the patience and love to break them slowly."

"Aiden hates me. He doesnt want me in his life. He thinks I have intruded his life. He just wont care about me." I said looking down at my wedding ring.

"You have gotten it wrong. Aiden cares for you. He meant every single word he said from the Marriage Vow. You can trust me on that,love."

"But Mrs Ginger, I have been gone for 3 weeks . Why hasnt Aiden tried to contact me? Why hasnt he bothered to check if Im still alive?"

"Because he knows you are in a safe place under his supervision" said Mr Ginger with a firm smile.

I was absolutely shocked .

"What do you mean, Mr Ginger?"

"Young lady, Aiden was the one who called us that fateful night. He told us that he had acted hastily and you need time to cool as well. He pleaded us to have you at our place till things got better. He calls us daily to check if you are okay. He might have not been here physically but he is aware of your well-being. Aiden does care for you. Dont misunderstand that boy. Im seeing him caring for someone after years. You are having an impact on him, lady" Mr Ginger said patting my head

"Ai..Aiden was the one who sent you all that night??? Omg how have I misjudged him?" I cried out of guilt.

"Victoria, its not late. You can always talk to Aiden and apologise"

"You know what ,young lady? We will invite Aiden over for dinner today. You guys can reconcile and we can see Aiden too" Mr Ginger suggested.

I nodded my head in agreement, smiling inwardly.
To be continued....


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