Through Aiden's Eyes

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Special shoutout to PatriciaWilson9 for Voting!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH♡
Aidens POV

I just landed in London after spending two weeks. I wonder how Belle and our baby are doing.

The past two weeks I have been with Natasha Smith. My ex-girlfriend.
"Hey Aiden honey, thank god you came in time for the flight" Natasha said tugging my arms.
"Natasha, leave my hands. I dont want the media to see us like this. You and I are over. I have Victoria. She is the one I want"
"Ohhhh Aiddy, lets not talk about the leech. Eeks.. you dont deserve her. Come, lets go onto the flight."
_____ After reaching Venice's Airport_____
"Aiden, hold my hand"
"Nat, what the heck are you doing? Leave my hand. How many times must I tell you that Im married?"
"Aiden, just follow me"
I just hope the media did not capture any photos of us.
In the Hotel...
"Nat!! Im not here to spend time with you. Just tell me what you want?"
No, you cant. Im married. Where did your love went to when you left me? "
"Im sorry Aiden. Can we get back together?"
"No Natasha. Just no."
"Okay Aiden, can you do something?"
"Spend two week with me in Venice. Thats all. I promise not to come in your life again"
"This is ridiculous! Why would you want  to live with a married man. But whatever"
"Okay come Aiden, lets make full use of these  two weeks"
"No sex"
"Fine, Im meant lets go around Venice"

I need to get back home as soon as possible and apologise to Belle for being so rude that day. Two days ago when Natasha called and forced me to go Venice with her amd meet her immediately at the Cafè near my office, I was beyond fustrated that I had to miss Belle's appointment with Mrs Henry.

I couldnt tell Belle anything. Especially not now, I dont want her to get stressed and affect the baby.

Mrs Aiden Dave Ryan [Wattys 2014]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن