Chapter 6

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Perries POV:
I felt cold I didn't care about anyone anymore. I walked into school and pushed passed everyone. I saw jed walking ahead of me and rushed past him nudging him "watch it hobo" he said and pushed me. I turned around and punched him square in the jaw he fell into the lockers. He shook his head and grabbed me pushing me forcefully into the wall. "What's got into you Edwards" he said in anger held my jacket. "I've got nothing to loose" I said and spat in his face. He huffed and let me go. "Your lucky I don't break your fucking neck" he said and I smiled "just try it and watch what happens" I said and he let me go. I looked over at jade and shot her a wink walking away.

I sat in English reading. "Perrie Edwards you need to go to the head teachers office I just got an email" I nodded and picked up my bag. I walked down the corridor reading my book and then put the marker in when I got to the door and put it in my bag. I knocked and then opened the door "Umm y you wanted to see me sir" I said and he nodded there were 2 other people sat down "yes please sit down Perrie" I sat down and placed my ripped up bag next to me "Perrie these 2 people are from the Newcastle city council fostering service" my heart stopped beating for a minute "we think it's best if you go with them today" I shook my head "no" I said straight away and went to stand up one of the women placed there hand on my shoulder and I sat back down "you'll be suspended from school until you have a family and the fostering service think you've settled in well" I teared up a bit "w well how long will that take" I looked around and they sighed "it could take weeks or months people looking for children don't really go for teenagers" I sighed and nodded. "And what about if no one wants me what about my exams" the head teacher linked his hands "well you can still do your exams just not in the actual school with everyone else" I sighed and nodded.

I got to my locker and took out my books putting them in my bag. "Where are you off too" jade said as she took out her biology book. I knew it was her biology book because I had the same class. I wouldn't be attending though. I remember when me and jade had to work together in biology once and she smiled at me and of corse I went the reddest ever. Jed scoffed and came over to me and broke my glasses by punching me in the face. "I have to leave" I said placing my last book in my bag. "How come" I shut my locker "there putting me in care they said it's for my own safety but I know it's just because they don't want me here" she leaned against her locker "oh I'm sorry" I looked up at her she looked genuinely sorry as well. "It's not your fault it's mine for starting trouble and loving someone who won't love me back" she sighed "I'm sorry for not loving you back" she said I shrugged and walked off. Two more stops before I go.

I walked up to jed nervously "jed" I said and tapped his shoulder. He was with jade. "What do you want hobo looking for a fight" I shook my head "the opposite actually I wanted to apologise" he crossed his arms "I'm sorry for hitting you and being an Inconvenience in your relationship I think I need to learn I can't have what isn't mine" he nodded and stuck his hand out "no hard feelings Edwards" I shook his hand and looked over at jade "I'm sorry jade but if jed doesn't mind I'd like to take you somewhere with me not a date or anything like that" jed nodded "just a friendly activity. She nodded and we walked out.
I walked through the clearing in the forest "I'm sorry if you find this weird as a 'friendly activity' you can go if you want" I sat in front of my family's grave. She shook her head. "I always dreamt of bringing you here" I chuckled a bit "I thought I'd get you to like me and take you on a date when I'd gotten enough money and when you were my girlfriend I'd bring you here, my mum would've liked you if we were in different circumstances" she smiled sadly a bit and I smiled a little looking down at my mums grave "could you uhh give me a bit of privacy please" she nodded "corse" she walked off behind the clearing walking around a bit. I looked at the headstone. "I'm sorry mum I uhh I've really let you down haven't I. I don't wanna go I'm scared if I get a new family I'd really loose you for good wouldn't i." I then looked over at my brother and sisters grave. My sister was only 6 months and my brother was 12. My dad was never in the picture he left when he found out my mum was pregnant with me. I guess I really was a burden all there life. I leaned my head against her grave and jade came over placing her hand on my shoulder. She kneeled next to me. I looked up and she smiled warmly I cried into her. "For what it's worth Perrie I liked you too maybe not as strongly as you liked me but I did like you" I nodded. "Jade can I do one thing before I go" she nodded "can I kiss you" I looked down blushing and she lifted my chin up "don't be embarrassed it's not the first time I've been asked that" I nodded "I sorta guessed I mean you are very beautiful" this just caused me to blush harder as I fumbled over my words. "Stop talking Perrie kiss me" my breathing quickened and I nodded. She leaned in "I've never kissed anyone before I mean apart from my mum when I was younger and you in my dreams and stuff like that you know what I mean" she nodded and poured shutting her eyes "and and I think about you a lot you know it's not just a random" she cut me off by sighing and pushing her lips to mine. I was startled at first so I moved back and she moved forward. I got used to it a bit and shut my eyes placing my hands on her hips. She kissed back and put her hands around the back of my neck. I felt my groin go tingly and hard. This never happened before in my life. I heard her moan into the kiss and she laid me down. I broke the kiss. "W what are you doing" I said and she kissed me again quickly "just relax babe" I breathed out and she rubbed my shoulders moving down to my trousers. I grabbed her hands "no you can't" I said "why" she questioned "I uhh i Umm I'm intersex" she gave me that look.

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