Chapter 4

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Jades POV:
I sat down in my biology class. I'm actually quite smart which isn't what people expect because I'm popular. The teacher came in and took the register "so today you'll be looking at osmosis your practical rules are on the sheet you'll be working with the person sat next to you" I looked next to me at the empty space. Perrie came rushing in and apologised for being late. I scanned the class no empty seats. Great so she's next to me. She was walking towards the bench when Alex tripped her and the class let out a low laugh. She caught herself on the table and sighed sitting in her seat next to me. I noticed that she was wincing. She moved the chair the furthest away she could. "Do I smell or something" she looked over a bit and shook her head "I don't think that Jed would like us to be near each other" I could see tears in her eyes and she looked down at her bitten down nails. I did feel sorry for her. "Well I won't tell him if you won't" she looked over and nodded "ok then" she moved a bit closer and I could tell she was blushing. "Look I'm sorry about what Jed did to you I didn't expect him to do that I though he would just talk to you" she shook her head "I don't understand what I did wrong though" I sighed "I just got a bit jealous about how you are with my mum" she nodded "I'm sorry I didn't realise I can tell her to stay away if you want I'm sorry she just helps me with some stuff" I was now very intrigued. "What stuff" I said and I could feel her grow nervous "Umm just some things in my life" I've gotta get this gossip "what things" she clenched her fist "can you stop pestering me about it" she tapped her foot on the chair and breathed a bit more heavily "why what are you hiding" she kicked the desk "I'm homeless and she helps me now leave me alone" she sat her chair over to the other side. Was she actually serious. "Are you serious" I said and she picked her bag up walking out the class. This is golden.

Perries POV;
I was so mad I just wanted to smash things. I know exactly where to go. There's an old abandoned railway line that has a bunch of old things there. I threw my school bag into my building and ran off down the road towards the railway line. I ran through the forest and turned left. About 5 minutes later I got there and thought about what jade said 'are you serious' she said it in such a disgusted tone. She's definitely telling everyone I know. I got filled with rage again and punched the window at the side of the train the glass shattering then falling inside the vehicle. I smashed a few more things then slumped on the floor next to a wooden crate. "Hey" a man shouted and started running at me. Oh shit. I got up quickly and sprinted off. I was nearly home now. "Get back here Thats my fucking house you were smashing" he shouted and I sprinted as fast as I could towards the school. He grabbed my hair and pulled me back. It fucking killed "I didn't mean it" I said it was true I really didn't. He let out a fustrsted huff and went digging in his pocket and pulled out a blade. "I'm sick of rats like you ruining my life at least one will be gone soon" he lowered it to my stomach and stabbed it in and I cried out in pain he dropped me and ran off. I slumped on the floor outside are school building. I put my hand over the wound and lifted it back up seeing it dripping with blood. I cried out.

Jades POV:
I'd just finished cheerleading training and heard a cry outside. I walked out and saw Perrie slumped on the floor holding her stomach looking terribly pale. I ran out. Just because I don't like the girl doesn't mean I won't help her. "Perrie what happened" I said and kneeled next to her. She removed her hand from her stomach and I saw a pool of blood and a knife sticking out. I started to panic "hold your hand over the cut ok I'm gonna get my mum and an ambulance" she nodded and I ran inside through the halls trying to find my mum. I got into the changing room and saw her with her clipboard "mum it's Perrie she's been hurt bad I need an ambulance and your help now" I saw her eyes widen and she ran out with me to where Perrie was with her hand over the wound like I'd told her. "Jade keep your hand over her wound" I kneeled down and she moved her shaky hands and I put mine there pressing down on her wound and she cried out in pain her hand gripping my arm. The ambulance came and they took her away. I hope she's ok.

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