His Point Of View. Part one

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Kurapika Pov of your moments. Kurapikas Pov the whole way through unless I say so.

Chapter one.

After Gon said that the juice was expired I quickly poured it out and glared at Tonpa. Gon ran over to a girl on the ground with headphones on. He tapped her but she didn't move. 

" Hi, I'm Gon!" He introduced himself a few times before tapping her again. 

She responded this time and removed the headphones.

" Hello! I'm Gon Freeces! What's your name?" He reintroduced himself for the 5th time.

" I'm Y/N L/N." She went to go put her headphones back on.

" Y/N..." I mumbled her name. It rolled off my tongue.

My thoughts were interrupted by the tunnel rising.

' The first phase is starting.'

I heard her sigh.

" Let's go," She sighed again.

Her headphones turned into a floating skateboard...?

We ran next to her, and Leorio had to say something.

" Hey, kid!"  She turned to him slightly.

" Yo," She acknowledged him. Barley.

" Your cheating!" He pointed at her floating skateboard.

" No, it's not, Satotz only said to follow him. He never said it was an endurance test, idiot," She told him.

' She's not wrong. If you're right no need for insults.' I was going to say something but don't forget Leorio was going to pick a fight with a child.

" What did-" Gon cut him off.

" She's right Leorio, but you shouldn't call people mean names Y/N!" Gon scolded her.

" Yeah, yeah. Blondy, what's your name?" She asked pointing to me.

" My name is Kurapika." I didn't tell her my last name.

" Hello!" She sounded happy. My heart started beating slightly faster.

Then I heard it.

" Y/N, how old are you?" Gon questioned.

She looked like she was debating with herself.

" I'm technically 18," She surprised me a little." But because of reasons, I look like I'm 12." She finished.

' She seems, interesting.'

She flipped the floating skateboard upwards and it landed on her neck as headphones.

" I'm moving up towards the front. See you in the next phase." She mumbled something at the end.

~ We all know what happens, Hisoka kills someone and fights Kurapika and Leorio~

She came jogging over to us.

" Yo," She gained my attention. There were many questions swarming my head. 

" Y/N! You made it!" Gon cheered.

I nodded along.

" Y/N, why do you look like you're 12?" I questioned.

' Her name rolled off my tongue so easily again...' 

" That is classified information." It was as if she couldn't stop herself.

I rose a suspicious brow at her. She just laughed it off.

" Uh, Hahaha, that was weird." I went to question her more but the next phase started.

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