Hunter exam? Part 2/5

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~ Let's start after Menchi explains the rules~

Y/N Pov

Everyone was running out to find the wild boar.

I scanned the area and found them.

" Follow me!" I cheered sliding down a hill.

I found them. The boars started attacking.

' Where are their weak points?' I thought, trying to find it.

" Hit their foreheads!" Gon told us. 

I punched one's forehead and it... Died?

I quickly carried it back to a station and I started looking through recipes online.

' Perfect! Wild Boar Ragù!' I quickly started following the recipe and improvising some ingredients.

~ Later~

As I was finishing up, many were rejected. Kura looked good but it wasn't cooked right.

I walked up and placed my dish in front of her. 

" This is Wild Boar Ragù!" I smiled at her.

" At least it's edible." She mumbled.

As she ate it she smiled.

" You pass." She said.

" EHHHH!?" Everyone around said.

I just smiled. I caught Kura's gaze and he had a suspicious look.

I just smiled nervously and laughed a bit.

I turned and went into a corner and started charging my batteries.

~ Later~

I was poked.

" Y/N! Wake up!" I heard Gon's voice say. 

I slowly opened my eyes and stood up. I saw a blimp outside.

As everyone climbed inside I stopped and talked to the proctor.

" Do I still pass?" I asked her.

She nodded and ushered me in front of her onto the blimp.


We were at Split Mountain. 

" Split Mountain is split into two equal halves, known for Its strong ascensional currents inside the split. Also, did you know its home to the Spider Eagles? They build their nest between the cliffs with their webs. It also has dream eggs. One of the most, If not the best, tasting eggs in the world." I mumbled. 

" What was that?" I looked up to see Kurapika staring at me.

' Holy shit! I need to watch my guard around him.' I thought.

" Oh, nothing, just some facts." I nervously laughed.

He rose a brow at me for the hundredth time.

I felt a current about to happen so, I sprinted towards the giant crack and jumped in next to Menchi. We both grabbed an egg and the current lifted us back up.

But me being very light I started flying upwards pretty high.
I would be scared but I'm a robot, duh.

I turned so I would take the fall for the egg. I then was caught by someone.

I turned and saw some blonde hair.

" Thank you!" I jumped out of his arms and landed on my feet.

~ Later again~

I ate my egg, which was absolutely delicious may I add, I watched Gon give one to a failed contestant. I smiled.

" What are you smiling about?" For once it wasn't Kurapika.

" Oh, nothing Killua, just watching Gon being kind is all," I looked at him," You know, You could learn a thing or two from his kindness," I stated and took another bite.

" WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" He yelled in my ear.

" Exactly like you think, they say kindness can either get you killed or open a very good door. It's just up to you to take a chance." I shrugged and ate my egg.

" Maybe you should take your own advice." I heard another voice enter.

" Noone asked for your opinion, idiot." I scoffed at him.

" And you just proved my point."

" Shut up Kurapika! fucker!" 

Bye~ Thanks for reading my muffins~

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