Hunter exam? Part 5/5

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Sorry for not updating! My keyboard wasn't working. I've added another oc of mine, only for the next few parts anyways. Should I do more Pov change? Little Y/N starts developing feelings~

Y/N Pov.

After my little scene, some guy started talking. 

" There are 26 people, you will draw a card to see who you are hunting." The guys explained.

" Draw in the order of who finished first." The clown went first, then the needles guy, some 'ninja', some boy. it went like that.


" Since everyone has drawn, remove the sticker."

I had #46. I recognized it as the 'some boy' mentioned earlier.

" You can claim their badge anyway you see fit, Listen carefully. Your target badge is worth 3 points, so is your own. any other is worth 1 point. To move on, you need 6 points. If you don't, you lose."


Some lady was talking and she was trying her hardest, but I'm too lazy to care.

" Everyone has taken off their badges, beside you!" Leidiot yelled at me.

I simply looked at him.

" It's not fun if they don't know who I am," I told Leidiot." Besides, I'm not gonna lose so don't worry about me." 

" I wasn't-" I waved him off and turned away from him.

2 hours on this boat I started walking away.

" You guys aren't my target."

I was walking towards Killua and Gon.

" Hey, Y/N!" Killua called out to me.

He needs something. I walked to him.

"  Yes?" I asked.

" Do you know who this is?" He asked me.

It was #199

" You know those triplets? It's the biggest one of them," I told him," Do you need help Gon?"

He shook his head and showed me his number. 

" #44...." I trailed off. I smiled at him.

" You can do it Gon, you're not fighting him, just take his badge and you'll be good!"


" You're on the island for 7 days and then you return here, There are 2 minutes between each person."

Ugh! So long.

" The 22nd person may go!" I jogged onto the island.

I jumped from tree to tree looking for the guy.


I finally found him, it was a boy about 5'5 maybe 14 years old. He had gray hair with white tips, with navy eyes.

He turned and looked at me.

" Oh, Hi!" He waved at me." I'm guessing I'm your target?" He questioned.

I nodded preparing for a fight. He shook his head and tossed the badge at me.

" What?" I looked at him as if he was crazy.

He showed me 4 badges, I guess one must've been his targets.

" What's your name?" He questioned me.

" Y/N, you?" I answered back.

" Grayson." He began walking away.

" Goodbye, Grayson," I said blandly.

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