"LAST BREATH" Dr. Xu X Reader

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Xu was not a messy man. Well for starters, being a doctor requires extra organization. Especially when your the only doctor in town. But lately, Xu wasn't his usual self.

It was currently early in the morning. The sun wasn't even up yet and Xu was in his home lazying around under his covers. Around this time, Dr. Xu would have been up in the clinic ready to open. "What time is it?" Xu thought looking at the time. '5:34' Am...

Xu let out a heavy sigh and walked to the nearby window in his messy home. Xu had a hard time with house keeping, so his home was a mess. He threw open the shutters of the window, letting some fresh air into his home. "Get a hold of yourself..." He thought as he closed his eyes listening to the sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

Just because he was loosing his ways, dosent mean he should give up and continue to be lazy. Suddenly there was a small tapping noise at his door. "Who could be up at this hour?" Xu mumbled to himself.


"(Name) what's wrong?" Petra asked as she slide over on the bench next to you. "Its... I don't know...its Xu." You said hesitating. "He's been a little distant... and... Quiet." You said as Petra looked at you with sad eyes. "Is there something going on?" Petra asked with a hint of worry in her voice. You shrugged. "Im not sure what's going on at this point. He doesn't even show up for dates anymore, he dosent tell me what's wrong, he ignores me too."

"Everytime I stoped by the office, there is always books, folders, and papers everywhere." You said shaking your head. Petra sighed. "(Name), it's going to be ok. He's always like this during those times." Petra said hugging you. "So you're saying.. Give him space?" You asked hugging her back. "Well.. I only been knowing Xu for 2 years.. So I can't say you should do that for sure." Petra replied letting go of your hug.

"But why is he like this? I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?" You said getting up. "Why would you think that? Obviously you are trying your best to help him out." Petra replied as the two of you walked towards your home. "I don't know anymore. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Thank you Petra." You said walking into your home. As you closed the door behind you, Petra sighed. "If only you knew (name). If only you knew." Petra whispered walking off. You took a short shower and went to bed turning out the lights as you did. "Better finish those commissions tommorow if I want those points..." you mumbled to yourself, dozing off to dreamland.

The next morning, you had ran off into the hadzorous ruins to collect some venom for your gun. You had recently crafted a triple barrel snakebite and used that instead of your sword. Also remembering your relationship problem, you thought that you should get Xu a sample of the venom from a mutated jump dancer. He said they had the most rare poison in their kind. Maybe, just maybe you could just find it. You took a step into the ruins and fought off every creature to roam there. After some time, you arrived to the boss room. "Wait... Something's not right.." You mumbled taking out your weapon. The room was empty. Suddenly the green smoke erupted from the ceiling falling fast. You cursed and covered your nose and mouth with your scarf. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your leg. A jump dancer had bitten you while you were distracted. It wasn't a regular jump dancer. It was mutated.

You yelled in pain as you shot the creature away. You recoiled back in pain as you accidentally breathed in the toxic air. "Have to get the venom.." you thought as you felt dizzy. Blood was seeping through your pants from your wound. You took a few bottles of DNA and venom and limped away from the toxic chamber. You managed to get out.

You managed to run out just in time, but unfortunately faced another problem. A whole herd of slurpees were gathered around. They began to attack you. "Can this day get any worse?!" You yelled in your mind. "Looks like the only way out is to jump over the wall into the field.." You mumbled feeling trapped. You slinged your gun behind your back and secured your bag. You ran and made a jump for for the wall. You landed rather roughly on the grass.

"Crap I think I might've broke my foot.." You mumbled tears falling down your face in pain. You gasped in pain and managed to limp to the entrance to Portia. You felt really dizzy by the time you got to Portia. Petra was taking a walk around the fountain until she saw you. "Hey (Name)! Whats up- (Name)! Oh my God, what happened?" She said as you collapsed on her. "I-it hurts, P-petra.. P-please h-help.." You cried in pain as she held you on the ground. Blood was now trickling from your mouth as you went in and out of conscious. "Arlo! Please! Help!" Petra yelled as the captain ran over. "She's been posioned. Hold her things and go warn Dr. Xu. I'll run her to the clinic." Arlo said as Petra nodded taking your things.

Arlo lifted you bridal style and ran to the clinic. The poison was slowly taking over your body. As he bursted into the clinic, Phyllis was only to be found. "Phyllis! Quick! (Name) has been posioned. We need to remove it before it gets worst." Arlo said just as Petra ran in with Dr. Xu. "What happened?" Xu asked urgently as you were placed on the examination table. "Poison." Phyllis said begining the operation. Arlo and Petra were forced outside in order to perform the operation. As Xu slide on his gloves he was shaky and full of regret. "Xu. It's ok. We will save her." Phyllis said in a comforting tone. He nodded and began the operation.


"You can come in now." Phyllis said as Petra and Arlo walked in. "How is she?" Arlo asked. Phyllis hesitated before answering. "There is a chance she might now make it. We will give the medicine 24 hours and see if the results have any impact on her condition. If not, then.. It's going to be the last time we see her." Phyllis said. Arlo stiffened as the last words came out. Petra felt broken. "I will take my leave then. I will comeback to see.. The results." Arlo said with a hint crack in his voice. He was about to cry. He quickly rushed out as Petra followed. Phyllis looked behind the curtains to see Dr. Xu holding (name's) hand tightly. Phyllis sighed softly and left them at peace. Hours later, midnight struck. Xu remained where he sat crying silently. You woke feeling weak all of a sudden. "Xu?" you said weakly as he opened his eyes hugging you feeling relieved. "(Name)! I thought you were..." "dead?" You asked kissing him gently. He nodded as you smiled weakly. But Xu's expression hardened. "I don't have much time. Do I?" You said intertwining your hand with his. He nodded crying again. "I promise.. We will find a cure.. I promise.." Xu said as you shook your head. "Don't make any promises you can't keep Xu. I just want my last moment with you. Let me go in peace." You said as he stood still. "I'm so sorry. I don't want you to go. I want to make it up to you." Xu said heartbroken. "You already did.. And.. I love you.." you said as your last breath was drawn. The monitor showed a flat line as he sobbed. "Im so sorry.."

Hello guys! Sorry this had to end with a sad ending, but that's how I feel right now. A family member of mine had recently passed and I couldn't bring myself to continue on. But I realized how much I loved writing and I couldn't stop doing things I love! I hope you guys don't hate me for such a late update, and I love yall!"

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