"SAVING MINT" Remi X Reader

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Hello my lovelies! I had change a few chapters due to the cringe and very bad story line. When first started this I haven't really thought of this book to be a romance...so i changed it...to a romance. Instead of a comedy. Anywho I've changed the story line and everything for Remington and Gust soooo ENJOY!!!

Your POV~
"Im tired and sleepy Pinky." You groaned as Pinky tugged at your sleeve. Scraps began to bark and run in circles. You sat up on your couch groaning. You were litterally half awake and didn't feel like getting up. Your pets understood that you were working all day on the drill for Mint and was very tired, but they needed the love and attention you hardly gave them these past few days. "Arf!" Scraps barked as you carried him. "Good boy. Now, please try to stay quiet while I sleep ok?" you said as pinky jumped on your lap. With that, pinky, scraps, and you fell asleep on the couch together.

The next day, you gave Mint the drill. After that, you went on with your day just relaxing. You had finished all your tasks and commissions, so you see why not to relax today. You were currently playing fetch with pinky and scraps in front of your workshop. Suddenly, you saw Remington walk up to your shop. As you were about to get up, Scraps dashed up towards you and jumped on you, making you fall back. "OOF!" you said colliding against the ground. Remington was standing in front of you laughing. "Scraps boy, get off her bud." Said Remington lifting the pupper up from you. "Ugh, thanks Remi." you said sitting up brushing your hair back. "No prob angel. What are you doing anyway?" He asked dropping Scraps and plopping down next to you. "Playing with these cuties." You said carrying Scraps kissing his nose. Pinky jumped onto Remington's lap clearly asking for affection. He chuckled slightly as he scratched behind the cat's ear.

"Why do you ask?" you said. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out soooo..." he said smiling. "Of course I will dummy." you said as he hugged you. "Yay! Finally!" He cheered. You giggled and pecked his cheek making Remington blush.

The next day after going on your date with Remi, you were inside your home wearing your most comfy loose shirt and shorts you felt the ground shift under you. Someone knocked on your door. "What the..." you said as the vibration stopped. You immediately got up throwing on some random clothes and opened the door. "Mint? What are you doing here at night?" you asked. "Well I need your help. Just as I was drilling the caves there was like a mini earthquake. And I don't really know what it is. I need a builder's opinion. So meet me by the caves in 30." he said dashing off trying not to get soaked. It was currently night time and it was pouring. You really didn't want to leave your house, but you had to.

"Crap. I don't have a umbrella hat..." you said. "Urgh..whatever. Ill just put on my hoodie." you then left the house with only a hoodie. You grabbed your horse and rode to the cave in the Eufala dessert. As you got there you saw Remington standing under a small canopy by the cave. "(Name)! What are you doing out in this weather?!" He said running towards you. "Mint asked me to check the cav-" you said before he suddenly carried you under the canopy with him. Your horse also went under too. Remington had an arm on your waist pulling you close to avoid the rain. Suddenly a worker ran out as the ground rumbled. Remington gripped you tight. Then you two fell. Remington hovered over you as you two fell. You then look up at him as he blushed. "Are you alright?" He asked as he got up helping you up. "Yeah." you said getting up. The worker was on the floor breathing hard. "Are you ok?" you asked rushing over to the worker's side. "Yeah, but the cave is collapsing! And the boss is still inside!" he said sitting up against the wall of the outside of the cave. You and Remington ran over to the collapsed tunnel. "ARLO! SAM! ARE YOU IN THERE?!" Remington yelled banging on the wall of rocks with his fists. "Ugh...yes remi we are fine! But Mint isn't looking too good. Quick! Get us outta here!" Sam yelled.

Remington looked desperate and ran towards you. "Look, we have to go help them. Meet me by the cave down in this ditch once you are prepared." he said kissing your fore head gently before running off. You nodded running off to your work shop gathering your needed items. "Sword. Check. Bandages. Check. Water. Check. Herbs. Check." you said running a mental list in your head. You shoved everything in your bag before running out the door. Once you got to the cave you saw Remington trying to open the metal door. "What's wrong?" you asked jogging up to him. "The door is too rusty. The hinges are making the door stuck." he said yelling through the heavy rain. He was right. With this amount of rain, the door won't be able to open easily. "Do you have your sword?" you asked making Remington confused. "Of course I do. How will this help open the door?" he yelled through the heavy rain. You ignored his question and grabbed his sword. You lifted the weapon up, holding the handle tight, you swinged the sword and bashed it against the hinges. The pieces of metal fell on the floor with a loud bang. You gave Remington back his sword and went inside the old mine shaft. You two sat on some rocks and dried off. "Impressive. Didn't know ya had the strength for that." Remington smirked. "Oh shut up. Even if I look that weak, im still a bit strong." You said smiling. "Its pouring out there. And im soaked." You said using your towel in your bag to dry off. Your clothes were so wet to the point you could see through them. "It gives you a good look though." He replied smiling his stupid smile. "You're such a perv." you said laughing. He rolled his eyes before getting up. "C'mon lets get going. Mint needs us and so does Arlo and Sam." Remington said pulling you up. You both walked through the cave. Suddenly you heard a rumbling sound. "Remington! Watch out! There's-" before you could finish, a group of cell worms and tunnel worms emerged from the ground.

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