"FIRST DATE" Gust X Reader

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Ginger Pov~
I woke up to the sound of a soft knock on my door. "Come in!" I said sitting up and stretching my arms. It was my father. "Ah, good morning dad! What are you doing here?" I asked getting out of bed hugging him. He hugged me back before answering "Ginger dear, I have fantastic news!" "Oh, what is it?" I asked excited. "Get ready and come down stairs and I'll tell you about it." My father says rather happy himself. Usually dad isn't this happy unless it was good news. I quickly got ready wearing my pink dress and brushed my hair. I opened the door and ran downstairs. As I made it downstairs, I saw Dr. Xu, dad, gust, and Russo. "Ah miss Ginger please have a seat. You will be very pleased with this news." Russo says as I sat in the chair across from Dr. Xu.

"Congratulations Ginger. I would like to say your disease is no longer there." Smiled Dr. Xu. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was this a joke? Was this serious? "Wait, really?! Im cured?" I exclaimed excited. "Yes you are. When I last came to run some tests, there was no sign of your disease in your body whatsoever. I had to run the tests a couple of times to be sure, and I was right." Dr. Xu said. I started to cry and hug Gust and Dad. "I-im cured. I've never felt so happy." I said crying tears of joy. Dad and gust also began to cry. I was now free. "Wait, so does that mean I can go out? And I don't have to cover my skin anymore?" I asked. "No. You don't have too anymore Ginger." Dr. Xu said getting up leaving. I couldn't wait to tell (name) about this! Not only was she my best friend, she was always there to watch over me when Gust was busy. I knew Gust had a crush on the builder, so now that I didn't have to deal with my sickness, I could help get them together! I ran up to my room changing into a pink dress with no sleeves, brown boots, and tied my hair into a ponytail.

I ran out the house excited to tell my best friend the news. (Name) was currently sitting on a blanket on the grass in her yard, reading a book I had suggested for her not too long ago. She was laying back as the sun was shining against her skin. The book was above her head blocking the sun from her eyes. That's when I ran up to her. "(Name)! I have some good news!!" I said running up to her as she sat up startled. "Ginger! Its good to see you! Wait.. WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE WITHOUT PROTECTION?!" she said immediately getting into protection mode. I began to laugh in giggle as she made a confused face. "That's the good news silly! Im cured!" I said throwing my arms around her. She hugged me back, really happy for me. We began to talk the whole day while hanging out. I saw Gust once or twice. He usually would have a scowl on his face, but now ever since I was cured. He wore a smile and sometimes a slight blush while looking at (name).

After our hangout was done, I went home and saw dad sitting with Mint and Gust. "Hi dad. Hey you guys." I said pulling up a seat next to Mint. "Hi Ginger. Im glad you are all better!" Mint says smiling. I smiled back. Mint was like my second oldest brother. He wasn't as protective as Gust, but he knew how others felt. Everytime I was lonely, he would talk to me. Anytime I was bored, he would give me little small projects to work on. He was the best. "Hello ginger dear! I've got a surprise for you! And you are going to love it!" exclaimed my dad very excited. "Oooo what is it?" I asked as Gust smiled. "We are planning a party for you. And everyone will be invited." "Really?" I said amazed. "Really! Why not celebrate you being cured?" Dad says clapping his hands together. "I will start with the invitations!" Says Dad walking to his office.

I was super excited and very happy. I rushed to my room to find the perfect dress. Then I remembered... I don't have any good dresses.." I then remembered (name) had some good dresses. She also had a good fashion sense. I decided to go to sleep and get ready for tommorow.

The Next Morning~
Your Pov~
I was sleeping in my bed untill I heard a knock on my door. I really didn't want to get up because I was in short-shorts and a crop top. I groaned and got up. I opened my door and looked around. "No one..?" I muttered looking around half awake. Then I looked down. A small gift box was on the grass in front of my yard. As I got closer, I saw the box was a light pink color with a dark pink ribbon tied on it. "Well that's weird, I don't remember it being my birthday." I said stepping outside my house picking up the box. Then i saw my mail box was open. I slid the box under my arm and checked my box. It was an invitation to a party. It was weird to have a party here in Portia, but oh what the heck why not? You didn't mind getting a drink or two. I kept reading until I read that it was Ginger's party. Then I looked at the gift. Oh no. Was this a date type of party? You were literally a lonely potato. Then you stopped thinking about the party. You decided to get ready for the day. You changed your clothes and headed for town. As you walked through town, the place was buzzing with excitement. You even heard people being excited that Ginger was cured. The whole morning and afternoon everyone prepared for the party. Around 15:00, Ginger came by my workshop and asked me for help. "Hey Ging what's up?" I said calling her by her nickname. "Can you please come by my house before the party? I need help getting prepared and dressed. "Yeah of course." I said grabbing my stuff. "Oh yeah by the way, bring the gift box with you!" Said ginger calling from outside. I placed the box in my bag to see Ginger already ready. "Alright let's go!" She says once I was ready. We left to Ginger's house. As I stepped inside, I was amazed by the place. It was decorated with lights, flowers, and balloons. "You sure out did yourself." I said amazed by the place. "They really did. C'mon let's go to my room." Ginger says going up the stairs. I followed her up and closing the door behind me. Ginger sat on her bed clothes and shoes lying around everywhere. "Need help this much?" I said glancing around. "Yeah... I really need a dress." Ginger said lying on her bed. I began to skim through her huge closet and found a really a pretty dress. The dress was white with pink ruffles, it had glitter decorated around the top and small ruffles as sleeves. I picked the dress and looked for a pair of pink shoes. After some time, I found a pair of plain pink flats. "Perfect." I said to myself before getting to Ginger. I gave her the clothes, and she changed into them. "Wow~ this looks amazing~ " she says twirling around in her dress. I smiled at how happy she was. She sat down in a chair while I brushed her hair and tied it into a tight bun. After I was finished with my work, I was amazed at how much of a good job I did. "Thank you so much (name)! Please feel free to tinker around in my room! Im going to go ahead and greet the guests." she says running off. You had a blank face on as you looked around. "I guess I should get ready." you said looking around at all the items in Ginger's room. You glanced at the pink box that was peeking from your bag and decided to open it. You gently undid the ribbon and lifted the cap if the box. You gasped as you saw what was inside. There was a folded dress in the box along with heels. You tool out the blue dress and lifted it over your body. Your front legs were exposed but your back legs was covered by a cape that was attached to the waist band of the dress.

You slipped on the heels and glanced in the mirror. In your opinion, you looked stunning. Then you glanced in the box to see a note.

Dear (Name),
I hoped you like the dress and the shoes I got for you. You may not know who this is from, but you will tonight. I have a confession to make, so meet me by the lake outside of Portia at 20:00. See you there!

You folded up the letter quite confused but thought about it. You brushed your hair, before tying it up into a braid and pinning a flower above your ear. After a while, you began to hear chattering and talking downstairs. You decided to go downstairs. Everyone was dressed in their fanciest suits and dresses and was having the time of their lives. It was kinda awkward for you even though you befriended everyone in Portia. You felt a arm around your waist. You flinched to look up to see Sam. "Hey ya (Name) you look nice tonight." She says with a smirk on her face. You saw that Sam wasn't wearing a dress. She was wearing black shorts, tights, and a suit top. With no sleeves. To top off with all that, she wore a bow tie. "Thanks. And you don't look too bad yourself." you smiled earning a frown from her. You laughed. Remington came over to you and Sam along with Arlo. They were both wearing suits. Except Arlo wore his scarf. "Hey you guys. Enjoying the party?" you asked as Remington had a smug look. "We are, but Sam and Remi are trying to get me wasted." Arlo said glaring at them. "You need to just let go you know." Remington says as Sam agreed. "You need to know when things need to be lit. Don't be a butt." Sam says with a wise look on her face. "Fine. I'll drink a little, but I swear if I get wasted, I won't hesitate to lock you guys in the jail." Arlo said rolling his eyes. Remi and Sam cheered. They both ended up dragging you and Arlo to the table that was reserved for them. Everyone had their own reserved table. Mars family sat together with paulie, Mei sat with the hulu brothers along with Aadit, Antoine, Sonia, and Emily also sat together. And so on. You sat with the civil corps trio because you didn't want to disturb Ginger and her family. Sam poured a glass for you and Arlo to drink. You took a sip and regret for what you just did. The liquid burned your throat as you swallowed a sip. Arlo drained the whole glass in one big gulp and sat the cup down on the table with a satisfied expression. "There. Happy now?" Arlo asked as Sam and Remington smiled. "Yup. But wont you care for more captain?" Remington asked as the first course of food came out. "Sure. I guess." said Arlo eating his food that was served.

Many glasses later~
You and Remington were giggling when you saw Arlo and Sam drunk. Arlo was passed out on the table as there were empty glasses scattered all over the surface. Sam was leaned back in her chair swishing her drink gently in her hand, hiccuping once or twice. "Arlo is gonna kill you guys once he wakes up." you said as Arlo sat up in his chair. He finally woke up. "Ya know, you and Sam are the best friends i ever haddd~" Arlo slurred propping his elbows on the table. "You are very attractive too Remi~ I wonder why no one is dating you yet~" Arlo said tilting his head at Remington. You and Remi died from laughter. "Well I'm going to get going, I'll see you guys later." you said remembering about the note. "Of course goodbye-" Remington said getting cut off as Arlo pulled his tie making Remington look at him. You began to laugh and walk out the house. It was very cool outside once you got out. You felt the breeze flow against your dress and the wind brushing against your skin. It felt really nice. You went to the designated area. To find someone sitting on the shore. As you got closer, you realized it was...Gust? You walked closer and saw he was holding a heart knot. "Gust?" you said as he turned around. "You came?" Gust asked slightly blushing. "Yeah..so it was you?" You asked as he stood up. "Yes the letter and the dress was from me. I a-actually wanted to tell you something too." Gust said looking into your eyes. "What is it?" you asked gulping. "I like you. A lot." Gust says holding your hand. You smiled and suddenly kissed him. "I do too." you said smiling. He smiled before handing you the heart knot. "Then will you go with me tomorrow at sunset?" Gust asked pulling you closer. "Of course." you said kissing him once again.

~the end

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