"BIRTHDAY" Mint X Reader

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It was currently morning. The first day of spring. Not only Spring was your favorite season, it was also first day of your boyfriend's birthday, Mint. This was the first year of you two being in a relationship and you were nervous. You had a whole day planned out.

7am- Go ask martha to bake a cake

8am- Go to the round table for breakfast with Mint

9am- Go on a walk on starlight island

10am- Nap under a tree

11am- Set up for a picnic under the apple tree

12pm- Eat

1pm- Relax

2pm- Nap

3pm- Go on a horse ride

4pm- play basketball

5pm- eat dinner at round table and cake

6pm- walk to starlight island

7pm- Travel to Strmarlight island

8pm- Star gaze

9pm- walk along the beach

10pm- Give gift and kiss

Even if this plan was a bit cheesey, it was going to be perfect. It was currently 7 am and it was time to start the plan. You threw on some clothes and rush out of the house. You ran until you reached Martha's bakery stand. "Good morning (Name)! What can I help you with?" Martha asked sipping her coffee. "I need a birthday cake by 5 pm today please?" You said out of breath. "Of course! What flavor?" Martha ask putting on her apron. "Plain Vanilla please." You said. "Coming right up." Martha said walking into the kitchen, starting to make the batter. You checked the time to read it said 7:05. Now you just had a lot of time to kill. You went through the schedule for today once more before rushing to your home.

As you walked into your home, you remebered your commisions you hadn't finish yet. You look through your bag to find commisions you got yesterday. "I guess I could finish these while I wait..." You thought. You went to your work bench and sat down. "Okay...let's see. Lucy wants 4 new bookcases...and sam wants a....trap box, and Carol wants 3 baskets?" you said to yourself. You went over to your storages and went through the boxes to find the needed items. Fortunately there was still some leftover items you used last time. As you crafted everything together, you finished in just seconds. Just then, you remebered. "How am I going to carry all this?" you face palmed yourself for being mentally stupid. You checked the time. "Thank goodness it's still early." You sighed. The bookcases were small but still quite hard to carry, so you stacked the cases ontop of each other and tied a rope to the cases.

You then began your journey to the school. You pushed the bookcases to the Portia gates. You stopped once in a while to take a few breaths. "Fudge my life." you leaned on the bookcases and pushed them up the hill witg all your strength. Suddenly, the cases were about to slip, untill someone grabbed them just in time. You looked over to your right to see Arlo pushing the cases. " Need help?" Arlo asked as you nodded. "You saved me and my weak self." you said as he laughed. "C'mon, let's go deiliver these, you still have a date to go to." Arlo said pushing the cases with you. "How did-" you said befire getting cutted off. "I'm the leader of the Civil Corps. Im supposed to know everything that happens in this town. Even if it means knowing that girls like you stay up untill 3am trying to plan a birthday date for her boyfriend." Arlo said pushing the cases to the middle of central plaza. "I-" you blushed. "Don't worry I didn't tell Mint. Now go deliver those baskets to Carol and I'll give the trap box to Sam." Arlo said rolling his sleves up. "Stalker-" you said as he rolled his eyes. "Exactly so don't test me." Arlo said smiling. You handed him the trap box and made your way.
You ran back home to change into something more presentable for the date. You wore a light pink dress and pink flats. You grabbed your bag and Mint's birthdat gift off the table and ran to the roundtable.

You went inside to see Mint sitting at the table waiting for you. He was wearing his normal clothes and his normal hairstyle. You felt embarassed for dressing up. You approached him as he turned around to greet you but his jaw dropped. Your face turned pink as your dress as he got up with his mouth a little open. "Hi (name), you look really beautiful." Mint said hugging you. "Thanks. Happy Birthday too mint." You said blushing even more. You both sat down in the booth and ordered food. After an hour or so of just eating, talking, laughing you decided it was time to leave. You paid and left with Mint. "So, what do you want to do now?" You asked as you both left the resturaunt. "Um..I'm not sure. I guess we could go for a walk?" He asked as you nodded. You both walked while talking and laughing.

You both made your way to the waterfall as you took in the sound of the waterfall's rushing water. Mint sat down on the grass near the river as you kicked off your shoes. Mint tilted his head in confusion before asking, "What are you doing?" "Dipping my feet!" you said jumping into the river soaking your feet. Mint smiled. The thing Mint really loved most about you was how you acted like a kid. He loved the energy you had and your personality. Mint took off his boots before running to you and splashing his feet into the cold water. You both laughed and giggled as your clothes were soaked with water. "That. Was. Fun." Mint said breathing hard while still laughing. He laid back on the grass patting a spot next to him gesturing you to come and lay down. You laid down next to him and relaxed. Even though you guys didn't go with the plan you had, this was much more fun. "Wow time is passing by really fast.." Mint said raising his wrist to the air to check the time. You guys didnt even eat lunch.

"It's that late already?" you said getting up. "Yeah, i guess we were having way too much fun." Mint said smiling at you. You blushed. "Well here let's get up. I have a surprise for you." Mint said helping you up. "A surprise for me on your birthday?" you asked curiously. "Mhm." mint said. "Now close your eyes and don't peek." Mint said. You closed your eyes as he tied a cloth around them. Suddenly you felt someone carry you up bridal style. You flinched as Mint laughed. "Don't worry, it's just me." he said kissing your forehead. "A warning would've been better you pouted. He laughed and began to walk. A few minutes later he put you down. "Okay when I say take off your blindfold, take it off okay?" Mint said as you nodded. "Ok take it off." he said. You took it off and looked down to see Mint on one knee surrounded by rose petals and candles. You gasped and cover your mouth as tears ran down your face. "Will you (name) make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Mint said revealing a small red velvet box with a diamond ring on the inside. "Yes." you said tears running down your face as Mint got up slid the ring on your finger and kissed you.

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