dinner (11)

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It was super quite, i hated it, i didn't want them just to feel sorry for me, they shouldn't feel sorry i did this to myself. so i decided to break the silence.

"soo.. Where do you guys want to eat for dinner?" i asked everyone looked at me

"anywhere is fine bubs" i heard juleka say i smiled and we went to the closest restaurant. we got severed very quickly and let me tell you the food was soo good i wanted more, i did order more tho... but to go.

anyways i asked everyone if they wanted to have a sleepover and they said sure, we decided to have the sleepover at my house since it was big and had enough room for everyone to spend the night.

"hey y/n can we invite marinette"
"yes ofc"

rose smiled so bright i was almost blind ,
and then i spoke up, "is it okay if i invite my cousin then guys?" they smiled and said sure

i texted adrien and his father to see if adrien can sleepover i was so surprised when  uncle agreste responded and said yes, for the first time since aunt emilie has passed away adrien could sleepover, he just had to pack his things and his body guard was over to bring him

(super super super short chapter but it's because the next chapter is gonna be juicy 🥺✌🏽)

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