sleepover pt 3 (14)

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hearing that sentence.. "im glad you didnt change" puzzled me. is it good that i didnt change?

Should i change?

For some reason i just kept thinking about it, but i know Adrien didnt mean it in a bad way.

he meant that he was glad we still got along just like before.

but i know i did change, in-fact the only thing that didnt change about me was how caring i was to my friends and family.

And now that-


a message.

"whos that?" b/n asked

uh..."um let me check" i was curious on why he suddenly asked or cared bout who was texting me.

then i remembered my "Boyfriend" Was and has been plotting against me.

Alex❤️: Hey we need to talk

*name changed Alex❤️ -> Alexander.*

...what do you want?: y/n

Alexander: can you please listen to me? its not what it looks like.

Oh, so your not just cheating on me with my "close" friend,Penelope and plotting against me with them? :y/n

Alexander: Okays so what? you fucking deserved it' Really you did y/n I dont know why you didnt see this coming. its not like anyone could ever love you. Your literally UNLOVEABLE. that's why you get cheated on.

Oh fuck you.: y/n

Alexander: get over yourself y/n Maybe if you cared about peoples feelings then You wouldnt be living such a shitty life. i Hope you never find love. you don't deserve it.

*left on read*

i look up at my brother and sigh, "nobody". I say in a shaky voice. I want to leave everything behind from america, but these voices. I cant...

Theres a reason why i have social anxiety and depression. and they are the reason why.

Jermey .. Lilith... And now Alex and Penelope.

Lukas Muse ( Luka x reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon