why do you care (17)

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Luka then said, "why didnt you tell us hes been texting you still?"

"why are you guys looking at my phone"

b/n then lets out a sigh and says, "does that really matter right now? he's straight up harassing you!"

"i can deal with it myself! okay.. i dont need you guys to defend me like im still a little girl.. i can fight my own battles"

juelka then speaks up, "you've fought enough battles on your own already y/n"

"thank you for your concern but really.."

luka then speaks up, "thats enough y/n just let us fucking help you."

ive known luka almost my whole life, 1-17 and ive never heard him cuss / use this tone before.

"Why do you even care luka, its not like WE'RE close."

"Because ur my SISTERS best friend."

that kinda hurt

why did that hurt, i mean im use to him being mean and not caring. But suddenly hes caring and its because of im his sisters best friend?  i mean that didnt stop him from being mean before

why is it now.

"and im telling you as ur sisters best friend to mind your business, i can do this myself." i grab my phone from my brothers hand and start speed walking to my room

"FUCK." i close my door shut making the loudest bang in the house, basically shaking the house.

Lukas Muse ( Luka x reader )Where stories live. Discover now