moving day (5)

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It's been nearly 2 weeks since the news and you, S/n, B/n have finally finished the song. You were extremely happy because today was the day you were gonna tell your classmates that your family is moving back to Paris!

You had your work cut out for you to day as you finished packing up your things, and before you knew it, it was already 8 pm.

Tired was one way to put it as you trugged your way down the stair to get yourself a snack.

As you made a b line towards the fridge you noticed your sister was already there looking for what she could snack on.

"Can you take out the guava juice for me?" You spoke up causing her to jump the slightest bit. You couldn't help but smile as she turned to look at you and playfully slapped your shoulder. With a chuckle she reached for the item and handed it over to you.

she turned around and i smiled

"yeah sure"

as she took it out i went to get a cup

"can you get me a cup too y/n"

"of course"

i then grabbed her a cup, and placed it down next to the guava juice , picked up the juice and poured each other some, but as always i potes myself more. the i said quietly

"good night s/n"

"goodnight n/n" ( nick name )

as i went upstairs i was drinking my juice, i watched some f/s (favorite show)

as i got tired i got up and brushed my teeth lied down and drifted to sleep.

*time skip*

i woke up quickly due to the alarm i set on my phone, today was my last day of school and i was heading off back to Paris the next day.

i got up and changed

once i finished getting ready i grabbed a quick snack and ran other the door trying not to be late

*time skip *

Finally my last period of the day, number 7

i've to every other class but this one my ex best friend and boyfriend were in this class...

i went up in the front of the class next to my teacher

"good afternoon kids here y/n has some news for us" mrs brown said

as i sighed i began to speak "hello, i'm going to be moving back to paris" i smile then frown at end of my sentence

*a bunch of people screamed with a sad tone*

"Finally! you don't deserve to live here haha" a voice said

everyone froze and looked at them, i was looking down but i thought the voice was so familiar so i looked up. it was none other then Lilith. ugh i hate her so much! first she talks behind my back and then gets with my boyfriend while i'm dating him?!!!

"shut up, at least i have more friends then you, you clown ass looking bitc- raaat"

*(everyone liked that) all my classmates laughed*

"UGH!!! you're so annoying just go home alreaady!" she said with anger

i then replied to her by saying "oh i'm ready to leave! i don't ever want to see your face ever again. i don't want to catch you're ugly"

she let out a LOUD "UGH!"

i then heard the bell ring, i grabbed my stuff and waited for everyone to leave. i wanted to be the last one out, when i thought everyone left i started to leave. then i felt a tap on my shoulder i then quickly turned around.


"hey y/n" a voice said

i then looked up to see that it was. i quickly blinked 10 times it was Alexander.

"uh hey alex"

"hey again, anyways i wanted to ask you something well both ask and tell you something.."

"what's up?" i saïd quickly i was ready to go home eat then sleep.

"i uh..." he stuttered.

i gave him a confused look

"i uh like you! and uh i wanted to know if you wanted to go out and i know that your leaving but i'm okay with a long distance relation ship! i just really like you.." he said quickly then looking down.

"oh! i mean we can try... but remember we aren't going to be able to see each other everyday.." i said i had a little crush on alex and i was hoping our relationship can last but i wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't

he quickly replied with "I DONT CARE! i Really really like you y/n"

"okay.. then i guess we are going out.. uh i have to go though." i smile and go up to him and kiss his cheek. i had to tippy toe since i'm super short

"bye" he said

then i walked out and went home

*alex pov*

just as i said "I don't care! really really like you y/n" . i had every girl rapped around my little finger and she was the one who deserved to get hurt the most

"okay.. then i guess we are going out.. uh i have to go though." she had a smile and got up on her tippy toes kiss my cheek. i blushed i don't know why but i guess it was cute she then left

i pulled out my phone and texted Lilith and Jermey. Her ex best friend and boyfriend


Alex: i did it. we are going out. what's the next part of the plan?

Jermey: GREAT, part 2 get ticket to paris for the next week.

Lilith: oh y/n you won't see this coming 😈😈

Alex: haha well i'm going to head home text later !

jermey: okay


(y/n POV *time skip*)

as i finished dinner i asked to be excused and ran straight upstairs. i took a 10 min shower and then got ready for bed, brushing my teeth, cleansed my face. changing into PJS. then went to my bed, i sat down reading a book for 30 mins till i was tired, it was finally 9:30 and i was slowly falling asleep.

i then woke up at 6 am cause of loud beeping it was mine and my family's alarms, i was going to take a shower; but since i took one before i fell asleep i thought i didn't need to. i then went to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair. then changed into this cute outfit

s/n told me to use this jacket since it would complement my skin color. i then got my favorite small blanket ran downstairs and sat down on the floor waiting for my family to rush downstairs our flight was at 10 so i wasn't worried.

once everyone rushed down i got up and we headed to a uber. they took us to the airport in 40 mins it was now 7:45 Am

we took our medium amount of clothing with us in carry on since we knew it they wouldn't have all our stuff back home by the time we got back to paris.

(time skip)

it was finally 10:00 and they started boarding people onto the plane. once we got on the plane i had the window was seat i sat down and waited for them to start taking off, but then i slowly drifted to sleep..

A/N Edited by celestial-red!

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