The Rokudaime Hokage

Start from the beginning

"Would the Village Hidden by Sand think it strange if I called them?" Kakashi asked Naruto. It was better to be cautious. Good relations were hard work.

"Definitely," Naruto nodded gravely.


"Because you never call anybody, Sensei," Naruto shrugged. "You send letters. Like a really old person!"

"Thanks," Kakashi grumbled. "I'll write a letter then. You can take it with you the next time you travel there."

Back to the complaints. Too much dog-shit in one street. A broken light in another. A series of scams in restaurants, there were enough reports from different parts of town to make it an urgent issue. Graffiti in several places. And more. And more. And more.

"It never ends," Kakashi murmured and pushed the half-done complaints pile away. Why not look at a few invitations before continuing, those were pleasant at least.

Shizune had neatly ordered the letters in order of importance like she always did. A special tea ceremony with the Hyuga Clan... Kakashi put two tick marks on the paper. This was something he needed to make time for at all cost. The library opening a new wing... that one was optional but he had been the one to talk to a well-off publishing house in the capital about sponsoring this, so... one tick mark. The anniversary event of Konoha's Hospital. The Hokage should award the main prize of the raffle. Why not. One tick mark. A new cake shop opening, politely asking if the Hokage wanted to do them honor and...

Naruto was still here, Kakashi noticed at this point with a bit of irritation.

"Yes?" Kakashi asked. "What is it?"

"Sensei," Naruto said haltingly, "you are a lady's man, are you not?"

"A... what?"

"A lady's man. You're knowledgeable when it comes to women."

Kakashi had to suppress a bitter laugh and turn it into something resembling a cough.

"I don't think I deserve such a label, Naruto."

"But you read all those pervy book!" Naruto said hopeful. "And all the ladies make googly eyes at you when you walk by!"

"Excuse me?" Kakashi frowned. "That's not true."

"It is," Naruto insisted. "I've seen some swoon, actually."

Kakashi laughed outright this time, but apparently, Naruto was serious.

"Okay, what if I'm a lady man, as you say?"

"I need some advice," Naruto dropped his voice.

"About women?"

"Yes," Naruto nodded eagerly, "exactly."

Oh, he had advice, but he himself was the one who should have listened to it months ago.

Advice number one: don't ever fall in love.

Advice number two: if you do fall in love against your better judgment, make sure she's not married to someone you consider your responsibility.

Advice number three: if you're still stupid enough to start an affair, make sure it ends before you can develop idiotic hopes of something you cannot have.

Advice number four: once you end it, forget it ever happened and move on.

Advice number five: if you cannot move on... if cannot stop thinking about her, lie to yourself. Pretend it's all fine. Distract yourself until you believe it. The pain will go away eventually, won't it?

Getting Lost on the Roads of Life - a KakaSaku Story [CONCLUDED]Where stories live. Discover now