Chapter 17

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Jennie had her smile on her face. She was embraced in Lisa's hug who's sleeping soundly, on their bed, the place that felt like home. She doesn't have to compete with Dahyun, she already won. She can feel that Lisa is starting to love her. The way they made love a few hours ago, the look, the touches, no rush and no lust. Lisa had given her only pure effection and and the hidden love.

Jennie felt that.

To Jennie, Lisa might still be not ready to tell it herself and Jennie understand her. She doesn't mind to wait as long as Lisa's with her. The Korean girl pulled Lisa closer, feeling the warmth from the other's body. She closed her eyes, about to drift off to sleep when she heard a notification tone. She opened her eyes and slowly shifted from Lisa and searched for the phone. Then she heard the tone again, from the bed table. She took the phone, since both of them wasn't using the same phone, she could tell it was Lisa's phone. Slowly pulling herself up to lean at the headboard, she made sure her movement would not disturb Lisa. She looked at the screen and her eyes widened as she saw notifications from a particular person.


She didn't open the chat, but she could read it from the notification bar.

'Lisa, please'

"let me meet you.'

I miss you so bad.'

Jennie scrunched her nose, feeling cringey at the chats. 'She's totally crazy over my wife, doesn't she know Lisa's already married with me?' Jennie thought.

Then Lisa shifted and put her hand on Jennie's belly. Jennie shivered at the cold palm and she quickly locked the phone, put it aside as she slid back into the warmth of Lisa's body.

She gave a peck on the Thai girl's forehead before closing her eyes, not wanting to think about the other girl.


Jennie and Lisa was cuddling on the sofa, watching some random movies. Jennie wasn't actually focused at the tv, she kept glancing the phone on Lisa's laps, afraid that Dahyun might chat her again.

And she was right.

Lisa lifted her phone up and to Jennie's suprise, Lisa didn't even mind to hide it. The Thai girl showed the phone to Jennie and pulled away slightly to look at Jennie's face, who looked at her with confusion. Lisa had her calmest face. Last night when they were on the sofa, Dahyun had chatted Lisa but Lisa ignored her. When Jennie took her phone last night, she wasn't asleep either.

Lisa put her phone on her laps purposely so that Jennie can see. She unlocked the phone and handed it to Jennie.

"You can read it, I'm not keeping secrets from you." Jennie felt overwhelmed by the faith Lisa showed her. But she didn't want the younger girl to think that she didn't trust her, so she pushed the phone back to Lisa. "I trust you, Lisa." They made eyes contact.

Lisa smiled, then the phone rang. Both of them looked and saw Dahyun calling. Lisa kissed Jennie on her forehead before answering the call, put it on speaker and made eye contact with the brunette again.

"Lisa.." the girl sounded guilty and that made Jennie's heart clenched.

"I told you, Dahyun. I've moved on and I don't need you anymore." Lisa didn't flinched, not breaking the eyes contact. "Please! I know I've been a fool, leaving you like that. Please just give me a second chance."

"I'm married," Lisa paused as she took Jennie's hand. "and she trusts me more than you do." Jennie had no words for what was happening. Totally overwhelmed with the gestures, she squeezed the Thai girl's hand.

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