Chapter 10

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Unknown p.o.v

I was sitting on my swivel chair when my door was knocked. "Come in."

"Anything new? Did Lisa left Jennie?" I asked without watching at my private assistant. "They fought. But they're still under the same roof."

"Oh and Jennie also came out to Lisa."

I stopped playing with my pen and smiled. I turn the swivel chair around and looked at him. "So it's a game now. Don't worry, you did good. I'll call you again later, but please do update me about them. You can leave."

"Alright, boss." He bowed politely to me and left. I laughed hysterically at my plan to make Lisa regret of getting married with Jennie. Surely Jennie will come back to me and she'll be apologizing for being stupid.


"We have to break up." Jennie looked at me with a blank look.

"What? Wh-What are you saying? Did I do something wrong?" I loved her, and she told me she loved me too. We've been together for only 3 months and now she's saying this!

"You're a great guy, Kai. But I don't love you anymore." Jennie said while putting her books in the locker. We were in the hallway and she's been rejecting me for minutes. No actually, ever since our last date, she refused to meet me and always avoided me.

"If you want me to leave you, tell me one reason. Just one, please. Why?" I've never loved someone in my life. Now that I do, she doesn't. And it hurts me.

"I love Lisa, Kai. I just agreed to be your girlfriend because I thought I can move on from her bu--"

"But you couldn't." I cut her off. I feel like she used me. Then she sighed. "Kai, I told you. You're a great guy. Just find someone who's better than me." She tapped my shoulder and went away. I gritted my teeth remembering the reason. Lisa is my enemy. I was the attention of the school, but then she came and ruin everything. And when I found out that she was my girlfriend's best friend, I wanted to just rip off her face. Now look at what she has done, stealing everything from me.

"I'll make sure you'll come back crawling to me, Jennie. You can't be with Lisa." I whispered under my breath.

End of Flashback

I think my plan from 3 years ago is going to be a massive mess for them both. I continued laughing as I turned my swivel chair around.

They got married and forgot about me, and I played their games back in high school. Now that they're married, let me turn the tables around. I want them to play my game.

Jennie's p.o.v

Lisa left early to work. She used to wait me to wake up and we'll eat breakfast together, but now she doesn't even bother to eat breakfast. I didn't want to think much so I went to the kitchen and took a mug. I didn't feel like eating so I made some coffee because I was sleepy.

Yeah, I cried to much last night. She never looked at me with those sad eyes, and I've never hurt her. Now she thinks that I'm the bad one here. We surely had fought so many times but this one was way worse than the other fights. I had those feelings of....

being left.



broken hearted.

No. Lisa won't leave me. She might be hurt and I hope one day (hopefully sooner) she'll see the truth. I shook the thoughts and sat on the sofa.

Then an idea came to my mind and I smiled. "I'm going to cook her favourite dishes."

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