"Wait we all have powers?!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Um yeah. And you've never spoken until today so I think I'm experiencing after shock." Dustin said openly.

"So... another dimension huh? What were they like?" Max said coyly. She flicked her hair with sass.

"Me and Adrien um..." Marinette blushed deeply, looking at her partner.

"We're super heroes basically. That's all." Adrien shrugged but all the boys went bonkers.

"Oh my gorgans! like Super man!" Dustin spit.

"Marvels better you twerp." Max scoffed. For some reason that rang a bell in Peter's head. Wait, wasn't that the name of his universe? Karen has spit out so much information he wasn't even sure any more.

"Oh really? Who would win, Green Lantern or Spider Man?" Dustin smiled coyly. Max huffed.

"I'm pretty sure spider man could because he actually has powers, and doesn't depend on a ring." She snapped back. Peter felt his face grow hot.

"Does Iron Man not exist then?! He literally is just a man in armor." Dustin rolled his eyes. Peter raised his chin.

"I guess... it wasn't a hobby." Peter began to say. The boys and girls looked at him in confusion. He cleared his throat. "My armor was never a distraction or a hobby, it was a cocoon, and now I'm a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can't take away... is...." Peter couldn't pull himself to finish it.

"Which comic is that from?" Mike asked. Peter took a sharp breath.

"I'm Spider Man." Peter admitted. No one said anything. It was all silent other than the hushed murder of Adrien and Marinette Findlay having shock that he was Chat Noir and she was LadyBug. And possibly he was pouring his heart out to her because her face was redder than Nathaniel's hair, which was the same shade of a tomato. "I... well I'm my universe I'm spider man. I don't know who I am here-"

"Your joking. Peter, you are a nerd. Like these gag feasts here." Max seamed amused. "I would never in a million years believe you, even if you did in fact come from another dimension." She then lowered her tone to a loud whisper. "He's a fictional character."

"I'm serious. I didn't know I was a comic either." Peter blushed. "I knew Tony- Iron Man personally. But he..." he drifted off.

"He what?" Max poked Peter.

"Nothing. We need to get out of here. These two aren't supposed to be here and I need to get back home." Peter changed the subject so fast you could feel the whiplash as if going on a sharp turn in an open roofed car.

"I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that your from another dimension." Will raised his hand.


The group was now in a cottage in the woods. It seemed to belong to an ego addicted freak, with a druggy roommate. The place was a dump, beer bottles laying about and cigarette butts sprinkled across the floor.

"This is my home." Eleven said as she shut the door behind them. "He will be home soon and he doesn't like keeping secrets."

"He?" Adrien rose an eyebrow.

"Hopper." Mike replied. "Her guardian."

"No offense but, you seriously live here?" Marinette remarked in disgust.

"Ego?" Eleven opened the fridge and pulled out to fresh boxes.

"No thanks." Peter and his companions said, as they did not feel hungry in the environment. Eleven shrugged and opened a box, pulling out two egos and popping them in the toaster. She leaned against the counter, waiting for her food to be ready.

"So how are we gonna get you outa here, and will be old versions of you be back?" Lukas asked. He straighter his head band, which was tied around his forehead like a 80s gangster.

"First of all, I have a question." Adrien rose his hand. "What year is it?"

The boys, Max, and Eleven looked at him in disbelief. They certainly didn't expect that, and some of them instantly thought of back to the future.

"Uh... 1985." Mike answered.

"How'd you not know that?" Lukas folded his arms.

"It's 2019." Adrien said as if it were that simple. "At least for me it is. And Marinette." Every one (except Peter and Marinette) just gasped at him.

"2023." Peter said and the group was even more amazed.

"Wow." Will blurted out.

"So with that out of the way, how'd you guys show up? Portal?" Mike asked.

"Yeah." Peter shrugged. "It will open soon and I need you guys to stay away. We can't afford any one close enough to be taken with us." He seamed to glare at adrien and Marinette as he said this.

Suddenly they all heard a loud boom over head as the ground shook.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been real busy. This is mostly a fun book for me so I'm not taking it to seriously, but kinda am at the same time. I hope it's real fun for y'all, despite the spelling and grammar mistakes.

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