Chapter 32: A Mission That's Almost Impossible

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  A few minutes later the group had came up with a plan to find Jenna and had taken off in the sky. But, not even 5 minutes later they were already in pursuit by a Tie fighter and were being shot at.

(Y/N) *Sarcastic*: Oh, how great is this? *Becomes serious.* Alright bucket head. You want a fight? I'll give ya a fight.

 He then pilots the ship to do a flip and is now behind the Tie fighter shooting at it. The Tie's wing than blasts off and the pilot crashes it a few yards away from some building. (Y/N) then sees two bucket heads and Jenna rush out of the building and calls out to the crew.

(Y/N): Hanks stay with Greens and Zeek! Everybody else with me, I found Jenna! I repeat I found Jenna. Prepare for landing.

  The crew then lands and rushes towards the three to rescue Jenna. When, they get closer they can hear voices.

???: Sir the pilot!

???: We got to get him out of there, let's go.

In (Y/N)'s mind: That sounds like the troopers from Kronos.

  The group ran faster and faster and see a cloud of dust following behind them and they quickly draw their weapons on the Imps to make this fast. (Y/N) was hovering his hands over his lightsabers, but before he gave the order to attack Frost stopped them.

Frost: Hold on. *The group pauses and looks at him.* What're you doing commander?

Knox: Getting a soldier out of here.

  Frost said nothing and walked up to Knox and the Tie fighter that they just shot down.

Frost: Cut this part here.

(Y/N): Frost what are you doing? They're the enemy.

Frost: And yet they didn't kill our friend.

 (Y/N) takes notice of Jenna being patched up and ok.

In (Y/N)'s mind: Well I'll be. It seems two are more honorable than most in the Empire's ranks. That or they kept alive to stay alive.

 Frost then asks Knox a question.  They then go on to have a small discussion till they are interrupted by the medic bucket head. (Y/N) gives a signal to Hanks to take off and him and his crew follow Knox who carrying the Tie pilot and his medic.

Frost: Over here. Looks like a sewer system.

Jenna: Gross. You can't be serious Frost.

In (Y/N)'s mind: Jenna, remind me how we got in the vents to that slave auction to crush it?

 The bucket heads then make it in after Frost helps open the hatch and the crew soon followed. Not long after the pilot comes to.

Tie pilot: Mmm my head... where am I?

Knox: At ease soldier. We've got you.

 The rebels than walk over to the other side and start catching up.

Hex: How are you kid?

Jenna: A little banged up, but I should be good to fight.

Nagkazza: ((You see (Y/N)? You can relax.))

Jenna: Relax?

Hex: Yeah, you should have heard what the bo- 

 Frost hits Hex in the gut and raises his finger in a ssh position.

Jenna *Teases*: Aw (Y/N), I didn't know you cared.

(Y/N): Yes you did. What did you learn about Knox?

Jenna: You like why he has the same name as you?

(Y/N): Eh, I'm sure both are common names. But, I would like know  more about him, like if he was a mandalorian or not.

Jenna: Well, why don't we ask him. *Looks to Knox.* Hey bucket head get over here.

Knox *Walks over.*: What do you want?

  (Y/N) makes his way through the others and stares at Knox trying to sense any signs of the force coming from him, but senses nothing.

(Y/N): Your last name. Say it again.

Knox: (L/N).

(Y/N): I thought so. I'm a (L/N).

 This cause Knox to tilt his head.

Knox: Well isn't that a coinciden-

 (Y/N) then feels a strong amount of anger and sees Knox aim his blaster and shoots down the sewer.

Knox: Doc get back here. Slowly.

Frost: What is it?

Knox: Something I thought we dealt with already.

  Knox grabs a flare and throws it hitting something. That something was a rakghoul

 That something was a rakghoul

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and it was not alone.

Horde of rakghouls: *Loud animal noises.*

*Both lightsabers ignites in (Y/N)'s hands.*

(Y/N): Well this all went to s*** fast!

(To be continued...)

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