Chapter 19: Laying Low Part 2

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  After (Y/N) docked the ship and payed to keep it there, they started walking to a hotel. As they were walking by people were either staring at them, clapping, or cheering. A little girl then walks up to (Y/N).

Little girl: Excuse me, Mr. Mandalorian?

  He kneels down ad looks at her.

(Y/N): Yes?

Little girl: Are you all rebels?

(Y/N): That depends. Will you tell the Empire?

Little girl: Nope.

(Y/N): We're rebels. You see that smoke coming from that Imperial outpost over there? *Points in that direction.* We did that.

Little girl: Awesome!

(Y/N): Here kid, have some credits. Go buy yourself a toy.

Little girl: Thanks mister!

  She then runs off to a store. He then turns around to see his crew looking at him.

(Y/N): What?

Jenna *Smirking.*: Aw, the big bad force using Mandalorian has a soft spot for children.

E1: ((You should see how he treats his niece.))

(Y/N) *Grimly.*: That baby Rancor never saw it coming.

Hex: That explains the tusks on your helmet.

E1: ((Yep.))

  They then walk in and up to the receptionist desk.

(Y/N): By the light of the Kronos sun.

  The receptionist nods her head and presses a button. And someone comes out of a door way covered by a long cloth with the old Jedi order symbol on it.

Receptionist: How many rooms?

(Y/N): Three rooms please. This should cover it. *Hands over credits.*

Receptionist: Very good. Please follow your guide to your rooms.

(Y/N): Thank you Miss.

Receptionist: Anything for someone sticking it to the Empire.

  They started walking back following their guide to a serect elevator that leads down to multiple levels hidden underneath the hotel as a secret rebel sanctuary.

(Y/N): Okay, everyone know their roommates?

Hex & Nagkazza: Nagkazza.\((Hex.))

Hex: We'll have Greens with us.

Greens: At your order.

(Y/N): Very good. I guess that puts me with Ha-

Jenna: You.

(Y/N): Hmm?

Jenna: My roommate. I figured it'd be a great way to get to know you more.

(Y/N): You sure?

Jenna *Sarastic abd smirking.*: What are you scared?

(Y/N): Okay then, have it your way. Hanks you okay with taking Zeek to the 3rd room so it's less crowded? Snice E1 and Porggy will stay with me.

Hanks: ((Can do boss.))

  They then walk in and set their things down. (Y/N) walks up to a table and actually takes off his helmet. He then turns his head and faces Jenna with her look of surprise on her face.

Jenna *Surprised.*: I didn't think you'd actually-

(Y/N): You wanted to know more about me Jenna. *Steps into the light.* So, where do you want to start?

  She takes a momment as she stares at his (H/L) (H/C), (E/C), and (S/T).

(Y/N): Kashyyyk to Jenna.

Jenna: Huh?

(Y/N): You okay in their.

Jenna *Smirking.*: Oh, I think I'm just fine. So I already know your name is (Y/N) (L/N) and your clan history. What about age?

(Y/N): Same as you 16.

In Jenna's mind: Interesting...

(To be continued...)

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