Chapter 8: Expanding

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   Sorry guys, I know this was real late coming out. The only reason it was is because, I was working on MARVEL Earth 198 and POKEMON DARK AND LIGHT. Again really sorry. Let us get started.
  The group had finally, made it to what looked like a modified AT-TE to be a mobile home. (Similar to Rex's but, with less stuff like just an added deck and poncho roof. Attached to the right side is a Clone Wars speeder bike that can be set down to ground level for more transportation.) It wasn't much but, it wasn't nothing either. Frankly, Hex was just happy he found some Republic gear still working. The group of five then walk in the mobile home.

(Y/N): Nice place you got here Hex.

Hex: Thank you sir. This is where, I sleep and monitor Imperial coms. You know earlier this morning I was picking up a lot of chatter about a Mandalorian stealing a Snow Walker with an Astromech on Kashyyyk.

(Y/N): I wonder who, it was.

  Everyone just gave out a small chuckle. Then, bird noises came from outside.

Hex: Great... Excuse me for a moment sir. *Opens the door and pulls out his DC-15 blaster pistol and starts screaming.* I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU BUZZARDS TO BUZZ OFF!

*Porgs noises.*

(Y/N): Woah! Hex! What the h*** are you doing?! They're just Porgs man

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(Y/N): Woah! Hex! What the h*** are you doing?! They're just Porgs man.

Hex: Grrr... Fine. You live but, know this birds! I am watching you. *Walks back into the room.*

(Y/N): Sorry about that little guys.

  A Porg then flys onto (Y/N)'s left solder and stays there. (Y/N) then walks in and proclaims.

(Y/N): Guys! Meet my new pet, Porrgy!

Porrgy: *Porg noises.*

Hex: Uhg! *Grumbles.* This can't be happening. *Stops grumbling.* Where to sir?

(Y/N): Hmm... Take us to the market place.

Hex: Right away, Sir!

  It takes them about an hour and a half but, they finally arrived and when, they did they saw Storm troopers trying to arrest a Jawa.

(Y/N) *whispering while slightly moving his rght hand as secretly as possible.*: You don't need to arrest this Jawa.

Storm troopers: We don't need to arrest this Jawa.

(Y/N) *whispering while slightly moving his rght hand as secretly as possible.*: You'll move along.

Storm troopers: We're moving along. We're moving along.

  The Jawa saw what was happening the entire time and stopped you from taking off.

Jawa: *Thank you so much Sir!*

Jawa: *Thank you so much Sir!*

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(Y/N): You're welcome.

Jawa: *My name is Hanks and I think you'll like what, I have in stocks as a thank you.*

(Y/N): No man it's-

Hanks *whispering.*: *No, it simply can not be helped to repay such a kind act from a Mandalorian that is also a Jedi.*

(Y/N): Okay fine. Come on guys.

Hanks: *I am assuming that you are forming a Rebel group.*

(Y/N): What gave us away?

Hanks: *It's hard not to stand out. You are a Mandalorian traveling with a Astromech, a Wookie, what looks like a Ex-Smuggler, a old Clone Commando, and a Porg.*

Porrgy: *Porg noises.*

(Y/N): What's your game?

Hanks: *I want in Sir! Plus, I got two reprogrammed droids I scavengend from a Seperatist crash ship. One is a medical droid and the other is a green and yellow one. You could update his "creativity" if you want.*

(Y/N): What do you say guys.

Hex: I am with you till the end Sir!

Nagkazza: *Seconded.*

Jenna: Sounds fun.

E1: *Why not?*

Porrgy: *Porg noises.*

(Y/N): Very good then, well Hanks. Welcome to our world. *They then reach to shake hands.*

  On the building across they being watched through a scope.

??? *Talks with a psychotic smile under her helmet.*: My my becoming quite popular aren't we. Don't worry it won't be long till I Cobalt bring you to Bruto.

 Don't worry it won't be long till I Cobalt bring you to Bruto

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(To be continued...)

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