Reboot Vote

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  As the title implies, I'm having a vote to see if you guys want me to reboot the story. Basically there will be some changes because I feel like I left way too many plot holes, however I also really love how I have the story now because it's got some of the basics I wanted to tell so. I leave it to you, the trusted readers. Would you like a reboot of this story or continue as is. Note that the main important characters characters will return and I will practically go over the crossovers as I have done before and I don't do a reboot, we will continue where we left off with Jenna and (Y/N) and they will go on a date of sorts.

A.) Yay reboot

B.) Nay reboot

Voting ends on Wednesday, September, 29th, 2021.

The Mandalorian Gray JediOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora