Chapter 26: Evacuation Part 2

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???: Hello again Clone...

Frost: That voice... *I then turn around and see the impossible.* You son of a b****! We killed you!

Darth Oblivion: Ah, or did you? You see when, it comes to it, I will stop at nothing to kill you!

Darth Oblivion: Ah, or did you? You see when, it comes to it, I will stop at nothing to kill you!

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Frost: Shut the f*** up and fight.

Darth Oblivion: If you wish to die fast than so be it.

  Frost than pulls his blaster out and fires and Oblivion blocks it with his lightsaber. He then forces throws his lightsaber, but Frost rolls under the blade in time and tackles him to the ground. Hex and Nagkazza then run in blasters drawn on the sith, however he force chokes all three of them holding them in place and reignites his lightsaber as he stands back up. He then swing them around into some threes and then slams them on the ground repeatedly listening to their screams.

Darth Oblivion: Now, I'll finally finish what I started in the Clone War.

Cobalt *Screaming.*: NNNOOO!!!

  She then fire her blaster from the ship and lands a direct hit on his helmet destroying half of it revealing his face.

  She then fire her blaster from the ship and lands a direct hit on his helmet destroying half of it revealing his face

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Darth Oblivion: You're going to regret that.

  Frost and Hex then nod at eachother and throw some gernades launching the sith into a small crater. This releases the three from the force choke hold.

Nagkazza: ((That hurt.))

Hex: You're telling me.

  Frost walks up to the crater and fires 15 rounds into and tosses two grenade.

Frost: Just stay dead this time you p****.

Jenna: Guys come on! The Wookiees are aboard the the evacuation ships! We need to go now!

  The group nods and as as they leave on the ship a smoking black gloved hand raises out of the crater.

*On the ship.*

Hanks: ((So where is the boss?))

Jenna: We are going to pick him and the other Jedi and Gray Jedi up now.

  As they were flying by the tree fortress where the battle was taking place (Y/N) was just tazed with a blaster that shoots some short of E.M.P. blast.

Hex: Oh G**.

Jenna: No!

  She steers the ship his way and (Y/N) lands on the roof of it. The affects start to wear off and he talks through the comms.

(Y/N) *Through coms.*: You made it just in time. Thanks for the save.

Jenna: Anytime boss.


(Y/C/N): That's our cue. Jump!

13th Brother: What the-

  The othe Jedi and Grey Jedi than jump onto the roof and they all head in the ship.

(Y/N): Nagkazza you take the co pilot seat next to Jenna. Hex your on coms.

Nagkazza & Hex: ((On it!))\Solid copy sir.

  The coms then star working and Hera reports that they destroyed the Imperial blockade.

(Y/N): Punch it.

  They then hit lightspeed heading to a planet far from from that system.

*Back on Kashyyyk.*

13th Brother: My Master will not be pleased...

((To be continued...))

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