Chapter Nine - [Aaryan]

Start from the beginning

Be careful big brother.

Love only,


I let out a breath and put my letter down. To be honest, I was fuming, but his advice calmed me down just enough to let me think. And after a couple of deep breaths, I began to pack my things.


When I returned, I did not run into the throne room, armed and ready to fight. Instead, after giving my horse to the stablemaster, I made my way straight to my room. While making my way through the palace though, I did not fail to notice that the atmosphere had become rather... solemn.

I wondered if maybe everyone had already been expecting me to do something unexpected. They were already mourning the loss of whoever it was that I decided to punish for hurting my wife. But as I continued on, it seemed like that wasn't the case.

I noticed servants looking moody, though a look of relief flashed through their face when they saw me. And I noticed guards who looked angry and frustrated, straighten up and look pleased when I walked by.

This was unusual.

In fact, it seemed like only the nobles were going about their business as usual, bowing low when they saw me, looking mostly nervous, as they always did around me.

I decided to push the thought aside, and when I reached my room, Aayu was just leaving. He looked surprised to see me. "Hm," he said, shutting my door. "It seems you took my advice... I rather expected more of a commotion."

He was trying to be funny, but I was not amused, and when he noticed that, he sighed. "She's been in bed all day," he said. "Lady Suhanya thinks it's possible that the pain is in her head, but she is unsure."

"In her head?"

Aayu nodded. "Lady Suhanya is not seeing any physical signs of the pain she says she's feeling."

"In her chest? What you mentioned in the letter?"

"Yes," he said.

"She thinks Seetha is faking it?"

I hadn' realized I sounded angry until my brother frowned at me. "No," he said. "Seetha is most definitely feeling real pain. Lady Suhanya just wants to know if the pain is emotional or physical. Both of which are equally important to deal with."

I looked at the door.

"I will leave you alone with her and see you in a little while. I'm sure you want to talk to mother and father... I'll arrange a meeting for us all at sunset?"


"Okay," Aayu nodded. After a moment, he sighed again. "Do you feel the air, brother?"

When I looked at him, he was smiling softly.

"It's gloomy, isn't it?" he continued. "It seems like more people are feeling Seetha's pain than anyone ever imagined.

He was right. At least about the gloomy air. And after the said that, he nodded his head and walked off.

I stood there for a moment, thinking about what he said, before taking a breath and opening the door.

My room was darks, the curtains closed to prevent any light from getting in, though the bright sun did manage to peek through a little, filling the room with an orangish tinge since it was still the middle of the day.

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