Chapter Fifteen - [Seetha]

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I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep. But when my eyes finally opened, I felt nothing but pure bliss. The sun was touching me, warming me up and all I could smell was the fresh scent of lake water and grass. Birds were tweeting, and right next to me, I could hear the soft breathing of the man who could possibly be the love of my life.

When I turned my head, I saw that he was fast asleep. I had danced for him and he had praised me and then I was lying next to him as he played me more songs on his flute.

He slept peacefully with his flute still in his hand. I realized then that he had come straight to me after arriving. He must not have gotten any proper sleep.

So I got up onto my side and kissed his cheek. The hairs on his face tickled me, though I quite liked it.

However, though I had tried to be quiet, it seemed that my kiss had woken him up.

His eyes fluttered open as he turned to me. "I fell asleep?"

"Not for long," I said, getting up, "it's still quite early in the day."

He seemed a little disappointed in himself. "What a waste of time."

I chuckled. "You didn't enjoy sleeping with me in your arms?"

When he looked at me, he let out a short laugh. "I did enjoy that, but I would have preferred to hear about your three months without me."

I smiled, crossing my legs as he sat up. "Maadu is pregnant-"

He laughed rather loudly, and after a moment of looking at him in confusion, I laughed too. "The first thing you say to me is about that cow of yours?" He asked when his laughing quieted down.

"She is important to me."

"When is she due?"

"She was about four months pregnant when I found out," I said, making his eyes widen, "so as of now, in about two more months."

"She was four months pregnant and you didn't know?"

I shrugged. "I assumed she was gaining weight, I never let her out with any bulls, she went ahead and got pregnant on her own."

Aaryan laughed. "Your cow likes to make her own decisions. Like you."

I grinned at him, realizing the truth in that.

"What else?"

"I taught the dance lessons because my teacher was ill, I helped my father with the farming, I told my stories at the village square and I took care of my pregnant cow," I said. "Aside from that I sat back and waited for you."

He smiled warmly at me.

"My father and mother are also concerned about the fact that I am still unmarried."

"That will end soon," he said, rather quickly.

I chuckled.

"When do I get to meet your mother and father?"

I shrugged. "It should be soon, shouldn't it?"

"The sooner you do it, the sooner it would ease their worries."

"I don't think so," I laughed.

What would my parents think if I suddenly introduced them to the Prince of Chandraba? Even I was barely able to handle that.

I didn't know what they would say.

"Surely your parents would be pleased, I won't ask for a dowry... in fact, I could offer a grand bride price."

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