Chapter Nineteen - [Seetha]

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I couldn't get the look on Aaryans face out of my head. The look in his eye as he threatened that man... I couldn't help but feel a little... frightened.

Nonetheless, I could also understand that something was wrong. Those men were unfamiliar, and Aaryan had told me about the unhappy westerners.

So I rushed home as fast as I could.

When I reached my home, my father was just returning. "Seetha," he called. "What's the hurry?"

"I think something is wrong," I responded as I reached him. "There were these two unfamiliar men with weapons heckling me... Aaryan came in time but his demeanor changed completely."

My father's face became serious. "What do you mean, love?" The look on his face seemed to suggest that he had some idea of what was going on. "Unfamiliar men?" Though he looked concerned, he seemed to decide not to ask anymore questions. "Get the kids inside," he said.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to go get the villagers to safety."


"Your brothers and I noticed some unusual activity in the area... it seems that our suspicions were correct."

"Pa-" My father did not wait to explain any further. Without another word, he rushed off, calling my brothers to join him.

I was frowning, but chose to do as my father said, running around the farm to gather the children. When most of the children were inside, Mayu came out of the kitchen with a look of concern. "What's going on, Seetha?"

"I'm not entirely sure," I said, honestly. "But Pa asked that I gather the children, and Aaryan seemed concerned about something."

Mayu's frown deepened.

"Where's Nithiya?" I asked, realizing my feistiest niece was nowhere in sight.

"She went to go play with Anu," Mayu said. "I should go get her-"

"No," I said. "You stay here and watch the kids, I'll go find Nithi."

Mayu hesitated but nodded.

With that, I ran off.

As I approached the heart of the village, I could see people scrambling around, most of these people being completely unfamiliar to me. Barely anyone I knew was outside right now, which I suppose was a good thing.

I tried to avoid contact with whoever these people were, rushing straight into the home of the little Anu.

Anu's mother looked startled when I pushed aside the curtain that draped the entrance of her home and walked in. "Aunty, is Nithi here?"

The woman hesitated. "Nithi left a little while ago," she said, filling me with worry. "Your father then came along and told us to stay inside and my husband went with him... do you know what's going on?"

I shook my head. "I-'

I was cut off by the sound of shouting. It was a loud, angry shout followed by the sound of horses. Many horses.

Anu's mother held her daughter closely, looking extremely worried.

"I'm sure everything is fine," I lied. "Just stay inside, I'm going to go find Nithi-"

"No, Seetha," Anu's mother called. "You should stay... it doesn't seem safe-"

Almost immediately, we heard the sounds of more shouts and then the sounds of swords clanging against each other off in the distance. The shouts had become more violent and more frightening now and if I wasn't scared before, I was now. "Don't worry about me," I said, rushing to the entrance. "I'll go straight home as soon as I find Nithi."

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