Chapter Eight - [Aathavan]

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Hi everyone!!!!!

This is a bonus chapter of sorts as an apology for the late update! So yes, another update will be posted later today!! :)

Enjoy! And I hope you like Aathavan's perspective of what happened before he came back all bloodied!! 

As always, don't forget to let me know what you think by commenting and voting!


Luckycharms! <3


There was no need for me to fear my little brother, and that was why I sent my companions off to inform my family and the other's that I had spotted him. When he finally slowed down after all of my shouting, I realized that maybe the two of us needed to be alone, and so I sent the two warriors that remained off as well.

I had no reason to fear Aaru.

When I reached him, we were just outside the gates of the kingdom. It was still raining heavily, but nevertheless, I got off my horse and approached him. "Aaru, what has gotten into you?" I asked.

Aaru didn't get off his horse at first, so when I reached him, I grabbed the reins of his horse from him in an attempt to make sure he does not run off before I finish speaking to him.

"Well?" I pushed. "Talk to me."

"It's none of your concern."

"It is my concern, Aaru," I said to him. "I'm your brother before anything else, so tell me what exactly is bothering you. We can work things out together and go home."

I knew the jist of what had happened. I knew that my brother felt that he was treated unfairly by our father. I didn't blame him for feeling that way, seeing as there were all these rumours surrounding my brother's birth and the connection he had to my grandfather.

But what surprised me was how Karthik was able to upset him so much.

How could Aaru think, for even a moment, that our father didn't love him. Yes, he had the potential to be distant, but our father was always warm to us. He was always a good father to his.

So much so that sometimes the stories of his past seemed nearly unbelievable.

"Tell me, Aaru-"

"You won't understand."

"Then help me to understand!" I pushed.

"You won't," my little brother hissed in response. "You've always been the perfect child! Everyone always thought you were absolutely perfect, even as a baby! People are still always telling stories about how perfect you are even today! You will never understand me!"

I narrowed my eyes, not really realizing until that moment that I played a role in upsetting him. "People tell stories, Aaru... but you know as well as I do that I am not perfect. And even so, why is that upsetting you?"

Somehow, my response seemed to anger him more. "Stop acting like you are wiser and better than me!" He shouted. Immediately after, he tugged on his horses reins to leave, but since I still had a firm hold of it, the pull startled the horse, causing it to neigh loudly before rearing backwards.

Aaru, taken aback by the movement, lost his balance and was thrown off the horse before it galloped off on its own. He landed on the hard floor with a thud and he let out a pained gasp.

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