Chapter Twelve - [Seetha]

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YES! I TOLD YOU MY BLOCK WAS GONE. Here is another Seetha upload! I know I usually alternate between her and Aaryan but we're covering a really important part of her life so I only thought it would be fair to hear some more of her!

Some of you have been asking me about schedule, and the ideal schedule is WEEKLY, every MONDAY! I am working really hard to get ahead so I can make sure I'm updating for you guys on time!

Please enjoy! Also, don't forget to vote and comment! I LOVE reading what you have to say and it really motivates me to write more!!



P.S. I think your votes and comments would be ESPECIALLY helpful since I've submitted this story for the Watty's, so THANK YOU!!!!!

P.P.S. There are some "older youth audience" content in this chapter! It's not that bad but viewer discretion is advised anyways hahaha! xD


I thought that immediately after the wedding I would have Aaryan to myself, but that was not the case. Being the Prince meant there were multiple other small ceremonies and traditions that needed to be conducted. For starters, I was given my own Rudraraja bangle and that had its own very long ceremony. I still had Aaryan's which he never asked for back, so I suppose I now had two, though I wore his higher up on my arm because it was so big.

Aaryan slipped the new bangle onto my wrist and as soon as that was done, the sacred ceremonies had all come to an end. The sun was setting by the time we left the temple, and though it was over, I still didn't get to spend time with Aaryan. I was swept up in a carriage and then returned to the palace to get dressed for the dinner feast.

When we got back to the palace, I let out a breath, exhausted. Lady Suhanya did not waste a moment. She had me stripped out of my wedding sari and into a lovely new one. All the heavy gold was removed and replaced with beautiful jewelry that was covered in what looked like diamonds and rubies. They were also heavy.

When they deemed me ready, we all went down for the banquet, and as expected, it was loud with music and talking and dancing. I've never been to such a party before, so I was rather taken aback. In fact, I found it rather overwhelming.

I spotted Aaryan almost immediately, speaking to some other nobles and though I wanted to go to him, I was kept away. Lady Suhanya wanted me to make conversation with other nobles... get to know them. She didn't even let me speak to Saumiya and Lakshmanan, even though they were nobles. Apparently I already knew them too well. And that was what the evening became, an event where I was talking to a bunch of strangers who I knew didn't care much about me at all.

It felt odd.

I knew so many people back at home, and every single one of them cared for me to some extent, even though many of them did not know me well. Here however, it was different. I was not a fool, I could tell when people were not being honest with me, and the smiles of these nobles were not honest.

To be fair, I was not being very honest with my smiles either, though I tried to be more honest earlier on in the night. I got tired.

I just wanted to spend time with Aaryan. Not these people.

When I looked at him, he seemed tired too, and I wondered if he was thinking the same thing.

After what felt like forever, I was handed a golden cup of what looked like some sort of fruit drink. I thanked the young lady who handed it to me before holding it up to my nose. It smelled sour and I realized it was wine. I've never had wine before... in the village it was preserved for special occasions, for the elders of the village. Elders who were males.

The Village GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora