Chapter Fourteen - [Aaryan]

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When Seetha arrived at my door, a small metal jug of warm milk in her hands, I greeted her with a smile. "Hello, wife."

She chuckled and got on her toes to kiss me, even before she stepped into my room.

After kissing her, I pulled her in, careful of the jug she was holding, and shut the door, but when I pulled away from her lips, I could see some sort of tension on her face. "For you," she said, passing the jug to me.

I thanked her, drinking straight from it as she walked over to my bed. "Would you like some?"

She shook her head as she sat down. I noticed she was holding her stomach, as if she felt sick.

"What's wrong?" I asked. After gulping down the last of the milk, I set the pot aside and walked over to her. I sat next to her and put an arm around her waist, and when I did, she leaned her head against my shoulder. "I feel sick."

"I can tell," I chuckled, pulling her closer. "But do you mean you are ill, or nervous?"


I couldn't imagine what she was nervous about right at this very moment. We had already discussed her newfound status as a princess and she had already began to get the hang of things here at the palace. And it couldn't be because she was worried about the 'first night,' we had already made love, after all. "Why?"

"I've just been informed of the importance of giving you a son."

I raised a brow.

Of course, this was unsurprising to me. That was simply the way of life among nobility. But I did not think we would be having this discussion so soon. We had literally just gotten married. I was hoping the discussion of children would be later. For now, I just wanted it to be the two of us... my father still had a long life ahead of him, so me having an heir was not an issue. Not now at least.

"I could alter the balance of power–"

I laughed, cutting her off.

"It's true!"

"You're making it seem like we have one chance and one chance alone."

She hesitated.

"We have our entire lives ahead of us, Seetha."

After letting out a breath, she pulled away from my arms and crawled into the bed, her back towards me. "But with every daughter we have first, the pressure will rise."

I shrugged, though she didn't see it. "It doesn't matter."

"It does–"

"Listen," I said, reaching out and putting my hand on her waist before turning her around to face me. "Whatever happens will happen for a reason. We should not insult the gods by questioning our fates–"

"That doesn't make me–"

"Listen to me."

She sighed, nodding.

"If you give birth to a girl first, it wouldn't change anything. I would love her and I will do everything in my power to raise her the way your father raised you."

She finally smiled a little, though her brows were still furrowed in nervousness. "I've always wanted a baby girl."

I smiled. "And if we have a daughter after that, the same thing applies."

"But what about an heir?"

I got into bed with her, lying down next to her. "We will figure it out," I said, taking her hand in mine and kissing it.

She didn't seem to believe that.

"Seetha, I wouldn't even mind it if we had a hundred daughters before we have one son–"

"Oh, I think my body would mind that," she said with a silly smile, "very much."

I laughed. "Twenty?"

"Four," she said, sternly. "I only ever wanted four... at least, before I realized how important it is for me to have a boy."

"Four," I repeated. "And if all of them end up being girls, then that is that."


"I am serious, Seetha. Anything that you create will be, in my eyes, perfect. Girl or boy, they will be perfect," I turned, lying on my back and looking at the ceiling. "Besides, maybe it's about time the Rudraraja clan have a maharani at the head of the family."

"You are being unreasonable," she said, and though she sounded skeptical, she moved closer to me and rested her head on my chest. "Lady Suhanya warned me about you being blinded by love."

I laughed softly, making her look at me. "Maybe I am... but that doesn't make me any less the future king."

She was thinking, using her finger to draw something on my chest. "If you dare take a concubine, I will cut you."

I snorted. The face of that girl my mother suggested flashed through my mind, but I pushed the thought away. "Never," I said. "I am loyal to you, my love."

That made her smile more sincerely, and then she kissed me. When she pulled away, she sighed. "Isn't it strange that nearly everyone in Aathikara thinks we are making love right now?"

I laughed. "Then why should we disappoint them?"

She raised a brow and smiled a silly smile, making me laugh again.

I felt rather blissful, happy that I could put her in a good mood. And no, we certainly we did not disappoint the people of Aathikara. In fact, we didn't for the next few weeks.


Hope you all enjoyed! 

Don't forget to vote and comment to let me know what you think! Also, since this is a short chapter, I will be uploading another one tomorrow!! :)

Love, Luckycharms <3

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