Finaly the time to get interview come, mom i got an interview from consultant firm as an accountant, oh that great for you sweetheart. you know mom it's the first time i'll wait to be interviewe i can't wait tommorow. ok first i prepare is dress i should look a like women carreer dress hii..hi.hi.... ok it great now the accounting of accountancy i already preapre it and then how to be trick and tip interview , done i already learning it.

ohhh..... i can't wait for tommorow jeehh... what will hapen i can wait for that. i am still reading the novel sweet revenge and listen to the music , then i thinking of tommorow morning come. jill dinner ready yeah mom i'll go for it. pop do you belive jill get interview tommorow morning by the consultant firm, ohh that great mom do you already prepare it jill. yeah i think so.

ohh... i am so exited mom and pop it's the first time for me to get it. can you imagine that. the most importnat jill is the attitude that you should know the interviewer will know yours by you're look a like in dress. i yeah i know pop i will get dress perfectly hahahaha... they laught in the dinner room. 

when i woke up in the morning i feel like am will be excepted by the interviewer, i'll take a bath and dressing like other women carreer hihihi..... that i ' ll do i can do that jill talking to myself inside. hope i will be accepted . i go to the location o interview and then i wait in front of receptinist . i wait in here say the receptionist. oh my god i feeling nervous now and can you believe it say inside.

ok next jill , ok i 'll go to the room interviewer and say i'll do that. nice to meet you jill yeah nice to meet you too. ok first  tell me about yours. ok my name is jill am bachelor degree in accounting with GPA 3,4 with comloude wow that great and then i never been working when i was graduated for a years. uhhhmmm.... i think that up to me you can ask me if you want. ok jill why you want to apply this position , hhhmmmm... i don't know sir maybe i am suitable for this position and i am fresh graduated, ohh.. you think so jill yeah  i think so sir.

ok tell me about your experience in accounting when in college, yeah you know sir i am comloude and my experience i can make financial report, when i was in univesity. and i have A grade for the accountancy do you believe sir it's very hard to have an A grade in my university. most of it B but i have A grade. wow that amazing for you. yeah sir , i think so. so what should i pay you, $ 5000 oh.. it's that fine with you jill yeah i think so.

then when you will work with us jill, as soon as possible sir as long that you need me for this position. ok i think we've done i'll call you again as soon as possible. ok sir thank you yeah your welcome jill. i 'll go outside and say shit i feel nervous and why i say like that stupid jill. oh don't do it jill i think you're awesome and that amazing interviewing say inside.

i'll  go to home and tell my mom about my interview to mom. mom can you believe that i say like that to the interviewer oh man what the fuck i am doing for it. oh tell me mom what should i do if i ask you what about your experience in the college, what should you do to answer that quastion. i don't know jill maybe it's a trap quastion for you , yeah maybe mom. ohhh... i hate it to answer that question.

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