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Your science teacher dismissed you early and left by yourself, headed towards the cafeteria.

However, there was a commotion on your way there in one of the corridors.

"OH MY GOD" Multiple people screamed and shouted at the same time. Their eyes were wide open, full of horror and shock.

You walked over to the scene, stupidly curious to see what had happened until you had seen streaks of blood on the floor, and a dead body.

The face was almost unrecognisable as it had been almost completely mutilated. (yall im so sorry for writing this horror stuff, i hate horror)

You stood there in shock as well, and the first thought that came to your mind was Kim Seokjin. Kim Seokjin. Kim Seokjin.

Why would he be targeting an area with loads of people walking around?

You rushed back to the cafeteria as quickly as possible to meet with Yoongi.


"What took you so long?" Yoongi asked as you sat down in the seat in front of him. There was no one in the cafeteria as you were five minutes early before the bell rung.

You guessed that he didn't come across the gruesome crime scene in that corridor.

"There was a commotion." You quietly spoke.

"What was it?"

"Someone had been murdered."

"No way- in the school?"

"Yeah." You sat back, "In one of the corridors near my science class."

"I'll go there right away, have any police been called over yet?"

"Probably. But I think that this is something worth reporting to Jimin."

"I'll make the phone call now, wait here for about two minutes."

"Alright." Your chin rested on the palm of your hand as you stared outside the window.

There were the people who saw the crime scene and you could still see the panic in their faces.

At that moment, your phone had rung.

You looked at the caller and chills rolled up your spine.

"Hello." You bravely picked up.

"Have you seen it?" He laughed a bit.

"Yes, I have. Is this your way of scaring me?"

"Here's a question just for you. Do you honestly believe in the supernatural?"

"No, not really. I don't really see how this is relevant."

"What if I told you that I wasn't the Kim Seokjin you were thinking of?"

A stone cold feeling ripped through you. Did he just make you run round in circles?

"Why the long pause? Did I make this guessing game too easy for you?"


"-And here's another question. Is there really just one person?" You can hear his laugh grow louder.

"Don't be too shocked. These next few weeks are going to be a lot of fun. Or is it not just a few weeks but longer-"

"Stop." You firmly said, your teeth gritted. "I've had it with your stupid game, I've had it."

"That's not fair. I gave you lots of hints, but oh well. I don't think you'll catch me."

"If no one can catch you, then I will."

"Good luck. You'll need it."

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