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"O- Okay." You nodded slowly, and then went off to the kitchen to make instant noodles for dinner.

Kind of scary but a relief to believe that you're a survivor, huh?

After you made your instant noodles, you went to the living room and sat on the sofa comfortably with your legs up.

You turned on the television to watch the news.. again.

"This morning, another person became a victim of the infamous murderer. However, for the first time ever, she was the first victim to survive the murderer's attack. The police identified this woman as Ara Park, who is widely known in Busan to believe in the supernatural. No interviews have been allowed to be made to see Ms. Park. More news will be revealed tomorrow about this extraordinary survivor-"

You turned off the television. You have always heard of Ara Park, people saying that she's weird or she's crazy etcetera. But what if she could help you?

Yoongi said that tomorrow after school you and him would go to where she is in hospital to ask her questions.

You finished your instant noodles and got up to put the bowl in the kitchen sink. Then you went to your room.

You flopped onto your bed as usual and rolled over, facing the cracked plain ceiling once more.

You sighed.

Your gut was telling you that Ara Park could help you solve who the murderer is. Not just because she saw him.

What if she felt the same creepy aura from the murderer as you did? Would she offer a helping hand?

If you find out who the murderer is..

You could save Busan, or even the whole of Korea.

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