9: Lefty

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The next day, Mike was a tad bit late as he said he would be, but Helpy wasn't anywhere to be found. Mike of course, went looking for the little bear cub, thinking it could've been a game of hide and seek or something. He was a playful one after all. But, by now, he would've heard him giggle or at least whisper something prideful to himself.

"Helpy! Helpy, where are you?" Mike called out after looking under a table but still failing to see him anywhere. But then, heard a door open and felt someone hug his leg. The purple man looked down and saw Helpy, seeing to have finally come out into the light. "There you- Helpy? Are you ok, little buddy?"

Helpy sniffled before looking up and shaking his head.

Mike's heart clenched a little at the sight of the little one so upset. "What's wrong...?"

Helpy didn't speak for about two minutes, nor did he let go. Until finally muttering, "N-Nightmare..."

Mike gave the little bear of look of empathy and then knelt down to his level, sort of unknowingly forcing him to let go of his leg. "Hey, you gotta know it was just a dream. Whatever you saw in there isn't going to hurt you."

"I-I know, but..." The little bear whimpered like a hurt puppy despite being an animatronic bear cub. "I-It scared me."

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

Helpy shook his little head. "N-No thanks..."

Mike sighed and then stood up. "Well, I guess I can give you the day off for now. You don't seem to be in a condition to handle any sort of startling today."

"N-No!" Helpy exclaimed suddenly. "I can! I just...don't wanna be alone right now." He said, following Mike to their office to begin the day again, since the pizzeria was already complete, with some more things and animatronics still in the process of shipping, including the one and only Freddy Fazbear, or at least, a version of him.

When they entered the office, things began to become boring and quiet as usual...Until Mike spoke up.

"So, when is your brother coming back anyway?" He asked suddenly.

Helpy lifted his head up and then thought for a moment before realizing...a month had passed. Lefty was supposed to be back today! He was actually going tocome back! And just that mere thought made Helpy forget all about his shut downfears and made him smile widely. "Today!! He's supposed to come back today!" The little bear cub cheered.

Mike smiled. "That's great! I can actually see if he's everything you're saying he is."

"He is though! Oh, I can't wait to see him again! I don't have to be lonely anymore, I can play with him again, and he can tell me about his trip! Oh, maybe I can finally figure out what he was even supposed to do!"

"Wait," Mike stopped his little friend for a minute. "He never told you where he was going?"

Helpy turned to Mike. "Well, yeah! He actually didn't know either, Henry just told us it's what he was built for, other than entertaining! Like I said a few weeks ago, I was built for aiding and he was built for entertaining."

"Henry is one strange man..." Mike mumbled, remembering how odd he would be at times, building and admiring his creations as if they were real...But he always said that his two children were his greatest creations ever. It made Mike's heart clench at the memory of his father, William Afton taking Charlotte and murdering her in an alley, forcing Henry to isolate himself and his wife to take their son and leave. It almost sounded like their situation...At least that's what he thought before finding out the monster was really his own father.

"Yeah, he kinda is." Helpy giggled. "But, he's nice and my creator!"

Sooner or later, Mike and Helpy began to talk as if the nightmare had never happened and smiles were almost contagious thanks to the little bear. And what was even better is that it seemed that there were no animatronics today and the tasks seemed to go by shorter. And soon enough? It was time for the last salvaging, which instantly put a downer on the mood.

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