2: Micheal Afton

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A week had passed, and Helpy had (managed) to successfully get over his little incident with the salvaged animatronic, being able to tell Henry and Lefty that the thing looked like a pile of wires mashed together and then had a 'scary head of himself' put on it. Lefty was a bit pissed that Henry didn't think of giving Helpy a taser, but then again, he was a robot and robots didn't exactly have pockets...or flesh for that matter.

Thankfully, he was going to have help with the next salvage so he would avoid the near death experience this time. Helpy thought it was going to be his big brother that would be helping him, but it was someone else, and someone he didn't know.

Helpy entered Henry's office, still the happy guy he always was. "You needed help for something?" He asked cheerfully.

Henry shook his head as he stood from his chair. "We...have some bad news for you, Helpy. I just wanted to let you know before it happens later today."

Helpy tilted his head. "What is it...?"

The black bear with a missing left eye felt like Helpy's sobs were only one goodbye away. "Helpy, I...I'm leaving. My assignment is today."

Helpy's heart shattered and his entire world was destroyed, blown up into a million pieces. "W-What...? Y-You're...l-leaving?"

Henry nodded. "Like he said, his assignment is today and what he needs to get is far away from here. But, he'll back in a month."

"A MONTH?! I CAN'T SEE HIM FOR A MONTH?!?!" Helpy exclaimed.

Lefty sighed sadly. "I'm...afraid so. I was built for this, little buddy. And if I don't do it, then my purpose is just...unfulfilled."

"B-B-But, you can't leave! You were supposed to help me with the salvaging and just...stay here. I want you to stay here!"

"Helpy, he's not leaving forever."

"I DON'T CARE!! HE'S MY FRIEND AND FRIENDS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO LEAVE!!!" Helpy shouted, once again feeling like he was about to burst into sobbing.

Lefty looked at his little brother sadly before standing up and walking over, and then hugging him. "Hey, if I'm quick, I'll be back before you know it. Just please don't cry. I hate seeing you that way. Plus, it messes up your optics."

Helpy hugged him, having to be picked up just to rest his head on his shoulder during the hug. "I-I...I'm scared without you..."

"I know, I know...But you'll be just fine. Henry can always fix you if you're glitching or hurt, ok?"

Helpy sniffled. "O-Ok...But come back..."

"I promise." Lefty said before seeing Helpy take out his pinky finger despite him only having four fingers.

"Pinky promise...?" He asked.

Lefty smiled and shook his with his own. "Pinky promise. I'll be back before you know it."

Henry smiled at their moment before sadly having to interrupt. "However, you have a job yourself. Remember, the new owner's coming today."

Helpy gasped. "I completely forgot!! I gotta get ready!" Helpy then hopped out of his friend/brother's arms and then ran to his quarters.

Lefty laughed as he watched him leave. "It's amazing how he's able to stay happy all the time." He then turned to Henry. "What am I supposed to be looking for anyway?"

"A rouge animatronic that me and Will- I mean, a robot I built. They're a marionette type animatronic." Henry said as he pulled out some dusty blueprints and showed it to him. "They're attracted to music, specially this song. With your music box, you should be able to lure it out once your scanner detect them."

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