22: Glamrock Chica

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The three headed up Roxy's service elevator and were about to walk through her room before they froze...when they heard...crying?

Roxy was...crying?

Freddy's heart completely shattered and he slowly started to walk forward to comfort her, but Gregory stopped him since they would likely be caught. But it got harder for Freddy because he could hear Roxy cry HARDER.

Helpy whimpered a little, tears in his eyes. Gregory's eyes softened before he noticed a nearby pebble. He grabbed it, and peeked inside the room once the metallic door slowly slid up. He then threw the pebble against her wall.

Roxy's eyes widened and she shot up. "Who's there?!" She then growled. "It's nothing. Don't get distracted...GET BACK OUT THERE!" She screamed at herself before running out of her room, likely on the hunt again.

The gang then entered her room, making sure she was out of Rockstar Row before leaving Roxy's room as well.

"...why was she crying...?" Helpy whispered.

Freddy sighed, patting Helpy's head. "I...do not know."

After getting the Party Pass from Chica's room, Gregory looked at Helpy. "You're sure you'll be okay without us...?"

Helpy nodded. "Yeah! It'll be in and out! I'll come back with that Faz Cam!"

Freddy knelt down, setting a hand on his shoulder. "...be safe, Helpy." He then hummed before reaching inside his chest and pulling out a second Fazwatch. "Here. Use this if you do need me."

Helpy smiled, hugging Freddy tightly before he broke the hug shortly after and put on the Fazwatch. "Will do, Freddy! I'll meet up with you in Kids Cove!" He cried out, running off.

Gregory smiled a bit before he climbed inside Freddy's chest. "Alright, let's get moving- Hey...your power's pretty low."

Freddy sighed. "How unfortunate. But do not worry. We can just recharge very quickly and then continue on our way."

After that detour, they headed into Fazer Blast. Freddy's attraction and probably the most popular out of all of them, due to being a laser tag like attraction. And Freddy was easily the most popular character. Gregory could see why though.

Freddy was just so nice...he was a lucky kid to have him on his side.

Gregory gave his Party Pass to the STAFF Bot in front of them before entering. His eyes widened when he saw the colorful area, that looked like a gigantic space station. It even had cutouts of Freddy with a space helmet.

Then, Freddy's voice spoke over the intercom. "Calling all recruits! Fazer Blast is a high intensity space combat simulation! Suit up and save the universe as you blast everyone and everything with high tech laser effects! Blast strangers, blast your friends! Beat the superstar score! And win a free Fazerblaster gun! Enlist now!"

Gregory chuckled and so did Freddy. 

Freddy then knelt down. "This place is completely safe, superstar. So? Have a little bit of fun and win that Fazerblaster!"

Gregory smiled wide and then ran off into the entrance, a determined glare across his eyes.

Freddy chuckled, standing up. His parents would've been proud that Gregory was doing so many things by himself...but then he thought back to what Vanessa said. That he couldn't be returned to his parents because there was no record of him...which meant he had NO parents.

...did he even have a home to go back too once the clock hit 6 AM?

Gregory had won Fazer Blast effortlessly, heading into the winner's elevator. His eyes sparkled when he saw a GOLDEN Fazerblaster waiting for him. He grinned almost wickedly, grabbing the blaster. "Heh, let's see how these bots like me now-" His eyes then widened when he saw an open vent shaft.

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