6: The Ball-Pit

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(I had too. It's literally one of the main things he's known for...)

About a day later, Helpy had gotten his scar fixed and was now waiting for Mike to come by and help him upgrade the pizzeria. You could never have too much upgrades so a place after all! Sometimes, the little bear cub wondered why he didn't do it himself, but it was probably because he was way too small to survive ordering all those things...Especially with those robots on the loose. Those things terrified him to the point where he would cry...He wished Lefty was still here.

To get rid of the depressing thoughts, Helpy decided to occupy himself with the games and just playing around while Mike wasn't here. While he was quite lonely, he felt like a regular kid just having the time of his life. But sadly, it'd be more fun if the other animatronics were active, alive, and could play with him...Mr. Hippo might pull something if he tried playing with him. His endoskeleton was incredibly weak after all.

After playing some of Midnight Motorist and Fruity Maze, Helpy decided to go into the most favored game of all time in Freddy's. The ballpit, which had a little trampoline that you had to jump on in order to crash into the ballpit. He heard it was quite fun from all the happy laughs and cries of joy.

So, with a shrug, the little bear cub jumped onto the trampoline and instantly wanted to jump in and crash into the ballpit and then just pop his head out of it. 

"Ok, ok, ok! I'm gonna do it!" Helpy said as he began to bounce on the little trampoline and then when he went into the air, he preformed a canon ball and then laughed as he popped his head out. "That was awesome! I feel like I just time traveled or something!"

The little bear cub quickly got out and then jumped into it again, having the time of his life doing it over and over again, not even worried that a ton of balls from the pit was escaping and rolling across the floor. Finally, Helpy made one last jump, but instead of crashing into the pit, he landed on his back and felt something CRACK.

As if it was second instinct, the little bear began to sob, holding his neck because of the sudden surge in pain. He felt like he neck had been stretched to the point where it could be hit by a moving bus that had a wrecking ball on it. He tried to stop himself from crying, but it hurt too much. He couldn't stop crying!

Eventually, Mike came in and looked around, wondering who and what was crying until he saw Helpy and rushed over. "Oh my god, Helpy! Are you ok?!"

Helpy turned to Mike, his eyes still oily from tears, and then he shook his head, still holding his wobbly neck.

"What happened?" Mike asked, trying to calm him down and stop the little guy from crying.

"I-I jumped int-to the ballpit..." He sniffled. "T-Then, I h-hit the floor and then..." Helpy sniffled again. 

Mike sighed. "Seems like you broke your endoskeleton's neck. I can fix that."

"T-Thank y-you..."

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