14: 𝑔𝔩𝐢t𝓬𝓱tяAp

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"You're POSITIVE you're ok, little buddy?" Mike asked, kneeling down as he helped Helpy get on a jacket. The little bear cub wanted to play outside, and Mike didn't wanna risk anyone seeing him. So, something to cover his face was needed.

And how could he say no to that little face? After what felt like so long...Helpy was smiling again after his big brother's death. He wondered what cheered him up.

Helpy nodded. "Yeah, Mike! I don't want you to be sad too!"

"Helpy, I'm more concerned about you. While it's great to have you smile, I don't want you to fake it just because I like seeing you happy." Mike said.

Helpy just smiled, but even Mike could tell it was genuine due to how soft and caring it was. The little bear cub then hugged Mike. "I'll be okay! I have you!"

Mike's heart melted a little and he hugged back. "And I have you, little buddy."

Helpy giggled before letting go. "Now, c'mon! I get to try the swings for the very first time!!!" He exclaimed, hopping into the air as he put on a fluffy hat instead of his typical tophat.

Mike chuckled. "That you do."

Helpy then smiled at Mike. It had been a few weeks since his home burned down, and he was just thankful he had a home and someone to be with. "Thank you, Mike."

"Hmmm? For what, little buddy?"

"For taking care of me. You've only known me for a few weeks and...well, it already feels like you're my family." Helpy smiled, blushing a bit out of nervousness.

Mike's eyes widened a bit at the word 'family', since his family was dead and most of them had turned to the dark side...but he smiled, hugging Helpy tightly. "You don't need to thank me, kiddo. I'm just happy you're safe...no kid should have to live without a home and good family. In a way? I kinda adopted you."

Helpy laughed. "I guess you did!"

Mike smirked. "Am I gonna get a Father's Day card?"

"Mike!!!" Helpy said with another laugh, playfully hitting the purple man in the chest. Although it hardly hurt, of course.

Mike laughed, ruffling Helpy's little head before he grabbed a jacket, since it was beginning to snow. It was January after all. "And we get this on..."

Helpy shivered at the somewhat cold fabric of the coat, but then zipped it up along with putting on gloves and boots. And finally, a scarf around his neck and most of his face. "Okay! Ready!"

Mike smiled before he opened the door and headed out with Helpy following behind him. If Helpy wasn't there with him inside Henry's fire...he probably would've wanted to die. He had nothing to live for. His brother was dead thanks to his actions, he was a purple zombie, his sister was corrupted, his mother was out of the picture, and his father was an unstoppable monster of evil and chaos.

But Helpy? He was a reason to keep living.

Mike then watched Helpy grab a sled and listened to the crunching of snow as he hopped onto the sled.

Helpy then turned to Mike. "Can you give me a push?"

Mike chuckled and nodded, getting behind Helpy and pushing him down the snowy hill. Although he did watch closely in case he got hurt.

Helpy let out a cheer before he rolled off the sled, laughing that adorable little laugh. It could have anyone smile from how adorable the bear cub was.

Mike was smiling wide as he walked down. "Crash?"

"That was so much fun!!!" Helpy giggled. "Snow's awesome!"

Helpy's Survival StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora