27: The End

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The Pizzaplex was finally destroyed, and now? The gang was just sitting on a hilltop. A familar one to be precise...at least to the soul inside of Freddy.

A cemetery, with six graves. One on the hill they were all sitting on and five down below. These were the graves of Afton's victims, or some of the very first.

Vanessa was still in her 'Vanny' suit, and looking guilty. She looked at everyone, and sat up. "I'm...sorry."

Helpy turned, seeming a bit shocked. Gregory was just looking at her, while Freddy's gaze softened.

"I caused all of this." Vanessa sighed. "I scanned that dumb piece of tech with Afton on it, which jump started all of this...and all those people...I...I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep with t-that...what am I gonna tell all those families?" She whispered. "And...all of you are broken because of me."

Chica set a hand on Vanessa's shoulder, but she was unable to speak due to a lack of a voice box. Roxy seemed to notice, despite having no eyes and spoke. "What she, uhh, means to say is...you can't blame yourself for something you didn't do. We were all in Afton's control, so we know what he did."

Gregory nodded. "Yeah...he basically brainwashed another version of yourself into your head." He said. "What happened was all Burntrap. Not you. You're Vanessa, not Vanny."

Vanessa smiled a little, but it was small. She still felt guilty.

Freddy set a hand on Vanessa's shoulder as well, having her face him. "Vanessa. You are not the first to be driven to madness and destruction by William Afton. Even the innocent children at this graveyard were driven to evil. You aren't the second killer. You're just another victim."

Vanessa smiled a little more. "T-Thanks, Freddy...must be weird having two brains inside you, huh?"

"It is...very strange." Freddy chuckled.

Gregory then suddenly hugged Freddy tightly. He then looked up at him. "...thank you. For everything."

Freddy wrapped his arms around Gregory, smiling. "I promised you that I would protect you. And it looks like I will be until you reach adulthood."

Gregory's eyes widened a bit. "R-Really?!"

Vanessa smiled. "I could fix him up so we don't have to worry about the charging thing. And the rest of you all too."

Helpy stood up. "I'll help in anyway I can!"

Sun flipped off of DJ. "Me too, me too!!!"

Monty chuckled. "I missed this little gang....but where are we gonna go now? I doubt Vanessa has the parts to fix ALL of us."

"You can probably stay at my house for a little while." Vanessa said before smirking. "I could also get Fazbear Entertainment shut down after everything's settled, cause they're gonna try rebuilding."

"But don't they always come back?" Roxy asked, looking at a tree before looking at Vanessa.

Vanessa smirked more. "Well? Everyone's always been shady of it, with Fazbear Entertainment trying to cover up its 'ghost stories' which are all real...and working for William? I have proof that not even their best lawyers can save."

Freddy smiled. "Thank you, Vanessa."

Helpy hummed. "That still doesn't solve the 'where are we gonna go' question."

Everyone, even DJ thought long and hard before Vanessa was hit with an idea. "Well...I might have an idea."


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