"Arrow...I think I'm starting to lose my mind," I admitted, "There...there are nights where I'm lost in the fog and the only voices I hear are those of my torment."

Arrow sat down on the bed next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I know it's hard," he told me, "Does it get easier when Avalon is around?"

"Yeah," I admitted, "She's a dream walker. She can walk in dreams."

"How do you know?" Arrow asked curiously.

"She's entered my dreams before," I admitted, "She...she saw me being tormented in my own mind."

"And did she run?" Arrow asked.

"No...she...somehow she changed the dream," I admitted, "She soothed my pain."

"So then why are you being so guarded around her?" Arrow asked.

"You noticed?" I asked. I didn't think I was being that obvious about it.

"Please, Ryder," Arrow scoffed, "We all noticed. Clary's worried about you and so am I."

"What am I supposed to do, Arrow?" I asked, "I can't let her see any more of this. My darkness is mine and mine alone."

"One of the first things I had to learn when Clary came into my life was that my darkness wasn't just mine anymore," Arrow explained, "It was both mine and hers. And once I accepted that, I was able to heal."

"How did Clary react when she saw it all?" I asked curiously.

Arrow swallowed hard.

"She came close to breaking down, but she accepted me as I was and vowed to help me heal," he explained.

"And you think Avalon will be willing to help me?" I asked.

"Has she said anything about it?" Arrow asked.

"She told me that she would wait until I was ready, I just don't know if I am," I admitted.

"Ryder, you need to let her in," Arrow told me, "I know it's hard, but it's the only way you're going to heal. Have you been sleeping at all?"

"Hardly," I admitted.

"This isn't healthy," Arrow told me, "Please, for the sake of your well-being, let Avalon in."

"I'll try," I replied.

"That's all I ask," Arrow replied, "Now try and get some sleep. Maybe you could try meditating."

I nodded and Arrow left my room. I went out on to the balcony. The crisp cool air washed over me and calmed me. I sat down on a bench on the balcony in the lotus position and closed my eyes.


I thought about the voices and how they tormented me.


I let it go as the air left my lungs. I couldn't let it bother me right now. There was to much at stake.

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