Don't let fear keep us apart

Start from the beginning

I bolted to the front door and swung the door open.  Quinn flinched at how sudden and loud it was.  But there he was.  After two days of him technically being missing, he's back. 

Without even thinking, I farted forewords and pulled him into a tight hug.  Quinn returned the hug and buried his face in the crook of my neck. 

The two of us just stood there for a while, holding onto each other.  I didn't realize how much I missed him.  But I'm just so relieved to know that he's okay.

"Are you okay?"  I asked when we finally pulled apart a bit. 

"I'm sorry,"  Quinn mumbled.  He didn't look to be in a talkative mood.  He looked extremely depressed. 

"No ones mad,"  I told him.  "I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about any of this first and then tried to force you into two relationships you weren't comfortable with."

"It's fine,"  He sighed, just holding tightly to me.  "I'm sorry I threw so many fits and then ran away."

"What happened when you were gone?"  I asked, moving him so he had to look me in the eyes.  "Did you hurt yourself."

Quinn just shrugged in response.  I gently moved my hands down to his forearms and pulled up the sleeves of his sweater.  His forearms were covered in old bloodied bandages. 

"How long ago?"  I asked.

"Day after Valentines,"  Quinn mumbled.  It's been a while but those bandages need to be changed as soon as possible. 

"Did you try to kill yourself?"  I asked as gently as possible. 

He just shrugged again, absolutely refusing to make eye contact.  He's hiding something and not doing a good job at it.

"How many times?"  I asked.  He held up two fingers and I felt my heart drop. 

"Did it just not work or did someone stop you?"  I asked. 

Worry and sadness were eating at me.  I upset him.  I love him.  I shouldn't be doing things that hurt him.  What kind of boyfriend am I?

"Someone from our school the first time, his name is Thomas."  Quinn said.  "Virgil found me the second time."

"I'm sorry,"  I whispered, about to cry.  I just pulled him in for another hug.  I held him tightly, telling myself over and over that it was okay because he's here and alive now. 

We were silent, even when we finally pulled apart.  I looked over at Remus who was standing awkwardly a few feet from us.

Then, surprisingly, Quinn darted over and hugged Remus tightly.  Remus looked up at me in shock. 

I was just as surprised to.  Quinn doesn't like being touched usually.  And he's letting Remus touch him and even hug him.

Slowly Remus started to hug Quinn back.  Remus looked incredibly happy at the moment, a huge smile gracing his face.  He was holding Quinn gently, like a fragile package that could break if he was too rough. 

"I'm so sorry,"  Quinn mumbled.  "I was a complete bitch to you.  I didn't even give you a chance.  I let my mind act before I could actually think things through."

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