"Ah. So that must be what remains of the love spell. Well, it's mainly concentrated near the bed," Merlin said, walking over. He pressed a hand on the bed, then lifted it up. The dust coating his palm was a deep red.

"Uh, and then there's red dust," he explained to Quentin and Vince, turning to the two guards.

"... We can see that."

"You can?"


"Then it might be worth it to talk to Gaius."

"We'll leave you to it."


And that's how Merlin found himself back in the physician's chambers, pacing, wings sticking straight out behind him. That probably wasn't the best for his pacing; as he turned, he swept a few bottles and bowls off a shelf.

Gaius arched an eyebrow. "Your wings, Merlin."

Said winged warlock tucked his golden wings closer to his back, grumbling under his breath. "It's really boring, just waiting here, while you're poring over ancient books for red dust."

"You could help by looking for a spell to locate exactly what we need. Or just look for the red dust as well," Gaius offered, not looking up from the book this time.

Merlin huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm worried. Can I go track Arthur?"

"And not know what you're up against? No, you're not--"

"I'm not what?"

"You're not going to be going up against something you don't know about. Come over here Merlin."

He walked over, shuffling to stand beside where Gaius was sitting. The book was open to a page displaying the same glittering red dust that was on the bed, now in a glass vial next to the book.

"Essentia amoris flagranti. Essence of passionate love," Merlin read, tilting his head.

"That means Arthur was lured off by some sorceress who made him... Er-- lust  for her... To put it plainly," Gaius said, rather awkwardly. "However, the enchantment isn't about magic. It's the dust alone. The woman herself needn't be a magic user."

"Oh, and it also says the spell will draw the enchanted to the first person he or she sees, or anyone they have strong feelings for, whether it be platonic or not," Merlin read a bit further.

"That may work in our favor. You are a close friend of Arthur, meaning he may be drawn to you while still under the enchantment," Gaius said slowly, looking at Merlin.

"Oh-- Great. So that's how you want me to get him out of... Wherever he's been imprisoned? You want me to seduce King Arthur Pendragon while he under a love spell?" Merlin half-laughed, wings flaring out to the sides.

"That's exactly what I'm saying, Merlin."



So now we proceed to find Merlin soaring through the air, following a faint trail of dark red dust, pink glitter, and golden smoke. It wasn't easy, despite what some would think. Sometimes the trail veered off somewhere, and it took him some time for him to realize that the red dust was being blown off course by the wind. Delightful.

Eventually, Merlin found the source of the golden smoke. It was coming from Arthur, who was holding hands with an Evangeline Trennis. An outdoor wedding.

He sighed loudly, shaking his head. "How did I get myself into this? Oh, yeah. By becoming friends with King Arthur."

Merlin fluttered down lower, into the cover of some trees. He tucked his wings close to his back, crouching and slowly creeping closer to where Arthur and Evangeline were holding each other's hands, looking deeply into each others eyes while some other noble rambled on about true love.

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