Arthur, You Clotpole

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<< this is purely merthur, and i have no idea what i'm doing as usual >>


"But she's amazing! She's—"


"Shut up, Merlin. She's perfect for you."


The king finally stopped talking and huffed, crossing his arms, glaring daggers into Merlin's soul. He was irritated that his manservant wasn't reacting to Vera's moves on him.

"She's gone and fallen in love with you! I think you just don't want to admit that you like her back. Think it'd be disastrous for a sorcerer to love a normal person?" He said, crinkling his nose in distaste.

"It's warlock. Arthur, you clotpole." Merlin lifted a hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head slightly.

"Do you think I care what you consider yourself? Sorcerer, warlock, same thing," Arthur sniffed, glaring at Merlin.

"Okay, whatever. I don't like her, so calm down. Just because you think we may be perfect for each other doesn't mean it will happen," Merlin said firmly, holding Arthur's glare.


"No. I'll have you know I have an interest in someone else," he said, a light blush coloring his cheeks.

Arthur gaped for a moment, then his expression wavered, the cocky, laughing demeanor fading, but he plastered on a fake smile rather quickly. Merlin didn't notice much, laughing nervously and turning away, leaning on his hands placed on the sill of the window.

"Oh, do you now?" Arthur chuckled, his throat tight. He had only been teasing... Didn't really think Merlin liked her back... But now Merlin was interested in someone? Someone that was most definitely not him.

"Yeah." Merlin sounded slightly wistful, a hint of longing in his voice. He smiled softly, watching as some children laughed and ran along in the rain falling lightly.

"How nice, to think that my manservant is head over heels in love. I hope you being a hopeless romantic doesn't get in the way of your job," Arthur sneered, but his chest tightened at the dreamy look on Merlin's face.

"If only it could. But the m-- The one I'm hopelessly in love with will never return my feelings. They already know me, and I daresay we're close friends, and he would never like me in the way I like him. I couldn't destroy our friendship," Merlin murmured, glancing to the left at Arthur.

"Tragic," Arthur snickered, but his heart did strange jumps at the 'he'. Was there a chance..?

"Oh, don't be rude. He's a perfectly fine fellow, unless he's not," Merlin retorted, but he didn't seem to be too serious. He expression was amused, his eyes flickering with laughter.

Arthur laughed nervously, trying to puzzle Merlin out. It sounded like it could be him, but with the fondness Merlin was saying these things? He doubted Merlin would really like him back. Maybe someone put him up to this. He could hardly say anything, after teasing him about Myra.

"Oh, so it's a he now? Perhaps it's that stable boy, Jacob was his name, right?" Arthur teased, wanting to get the pain in his chest to go away. He had to stop thinking that Merlin might return his feelings. He never would, because of the way Arthur treated him.

"Jacob? No, I think Jacob fancies Myra," Merlin laughed, leaning back against Arthur's bed. He tilted his head at his king, wondering why he cared so much.

"Oh, does he now? So maybe it's a love triangle," Arthur retaliated, then had to stifle a laugh at Merlin's steadily climbing eyebrows. He leaned sideways against his table, glancing down at the papers he had left half-written, abandoning them over his priorities, such as teasing his manservant.

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