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hi all, ambyssall here !!

so, i've decided to mark this collection of oneshots as completed, for a few reasons.

primarily it's because my writing style has changed drastically over the course of... three? four years? something like that. i don't feel as connected to the writings in the first few oneshots of this collection (and they're kinda embarrassing to me :P).

but never fear! i will be making a new oneshot collection soon (hopefully)! you'll be able to find it on my profile once i publish it :3 merlin is my comfort show so i don't plan on discontinuing my oneshots for good haha

i've got a good few concepts in mind for the next collection, so i hope you all enjoy reading those

another idea i had was a merlin "the boys" AU, but i'm not sure how much interest that would have so i'm not sure if i really want to go through with writing it... i think i'll start off with a concept oneshot to add to the new collection and see how people respond.

anyways, that's all for now! :D

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