Idiots. They're Idiots.

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<< no idea what i'm doing. you may have noticed that my oneshots often have a similar beginning— ideas are hard so uh yeah it's just simple. anyways, fluffy merthur i hope with a bit of a rough start >>

Merlin sighed and collapsed backwards into a chair, like the drama queen he is. He grumbled and ran his hands through his hair, not looking up at Arthur, who was pacing a couple feet away. Everything was quite a mess right now. This was not how he had planned for Arthur to find out about his magic. He had been picturing, maybe, heroically rescuing the king from a bandit attack, or one of Camelot's many enemies.

But no. No, the way Arthur actually found out? Merlin and Morgana had been squabbling over what color dress Gwen should wear for her picnic with Lancelot. They had been going back and forth, hexing the dress with different enchantments to turn it certain colors and give it intricate patterns.

Unfortunately for Merlin, Arthur barged into the room right as the warlock turned the dress an emerald green with a gold leaf pattern. The king was not amused whatsoever, not saying anything, just grabbing Merlin roughly by the arm and hauling him away. Merlin had thought he was going to the dungeons for sure.

"What the hell are you," Arthur stated, not looking at Merlin as he continued pacing, hands clasped behind his back, lips pressing into a thin line after his supposed question.

Merlin heaved another breath, not moving. He didn't respond for a moment, pulling at his hair with clenched fists, then finally tilted his head up, back thumping against the back of the chair. "I'm a warlock," he said simply.

"And why. Why would you practice magic behind my back? Why would you turn against Camelot? How could you do that to us? How could you do that to—" Arthur had spun to face Merlin, voice dangerously cold, but raising in volume on the last sentence before he cut himself off, just staring at Merlin with guarded eyes.

"I didn't choose to practice magic. I was born with it. I used it to save your life, the first time. And then all the times after that. And I did it because of your destiny, at first. And then I did it because I cared. I still do," Merlin said, using the speech he had planned in his head for when he heroically saved his king. It sounded rather lame and out of place right now, as this was such a terrible way for Arthur to have found out.

"Oh, really? Yeah, right. You must have put Morgana under a spell of some sort, to make her go along with your cursed plans. What do you want from Camelot?" Arthur let his anger flow, mainly because of Merlin's terrible speech. It sounded too fake, too over the top. He advanced on Merlin, but the warlock made no move to escape, watching him with dull eyes as he remained in the chair. 

"It's a possibility. It's not true, of course, but you can believe it if you must," he said, voice as dead as his eyes. He just stared as Arthur loomed closer, tilting his head to look up at him as the king slammed his hands on both arms of the chair, practically snarling.

"So I'm supposed to believe that Morgana is willingly plotting with a sorcerer? You must think I'm an idiot," Arthur spat.

"That's exactly what I think you are. Morgana isn't under a spell. We were bickering over what type of dress Gwen should wear for her picnic with Lancelot," Merlin said, tilting his head slightly to the right, watching as Arthur pushed off of the chair and grabbed him by the front of his shirt, hauling him out of the chair. He now proceeded to fling Merlin across the room, only because the warlock wasn't really trying to stop him.

"Tell the truth. I don't want to hear any more of your lies, sorcerer," Arthur said, starting to stalk over to Merlin, who was picking himself off the ground and brushing off his shoulders.

ONLY FOR YOU // Merlin/Merthur OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora