More Merthur

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<< sup bois, kry's back with another merthur fic. this one is pretty long, and uh merlin's good with daggers. oh, and a gambeson is like a quilted, padded shirt that the knights wore under plated or chain armor >>

Walking into the main room of his chambers, Gaius bustled about, collecting potions and stray herbs and whatnot.

"Gaius, what're you doing?" Merlin said, from where he sat on the table. He was balancing a dagger on the tip of his finger, surprisingly with no magic involved. He squinted at Gaius, who didn't stop moving around.

"Busy day. Some people in the lower town have caught a strange illness," he explained very briefly. He continued to pack potions of assorted colors into his bag, the clinking sounds annoying Merlin.

"Do you need me to come with you? If it's a bad illness, magic might help—" Merlin asked, but was cut off.

"No, no. The symptoms are very similar to a cold, yet it's not a cold, as it's rather warm. No, I'll just send someone for you if I do need you. Go see if Arthur needs anything," Gaius said in a rather rushed tone, then hurried out the door, the vials and bottles in his bag rattling around haphazardly.

Merlin snorted and flicked the dagger into the air, watching as it spun before falling, catching it perfectly. He sighed, wishing he was as good with a sword as he was with daggers. It was annoying, how Arthur thought he was horrid at fighting, just because he was hopeless with a sword. Daggers were so much easier to use.

He sheathed the dagger, adjusting his belt so the carved wooden hilt was mostly hidden by his jacket, yet it was still within reach. He slid off the table and walked towards the door, heading over to Arthur's chambers.


"Sire," Merlin said, inclining his head as he quietly closed the door behind him, glancing about the room. Everything seemed to be in order, and surprisingly, Arthur seemed excited for something.

The king turned to look at his manservant, and his grin widened. That was when Merlin realized that grin wasn't a nice grin. He was plotting something.

"Merlin! Good, you're here. I've decided it's a good day that you finally get some proper training, as you seem determined to get yourself killed on one of our hunting trips," he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Merlin noted he was already in chainmail, his sword on the table next to him.

"Oh... Have you? I thought today was a training day for you and the knights," Merlin said, not really wanting to make a fool of himself while attempting to use the weapons he's seen them train with.

"Yes, I'll work with them as well, but while they spar, I can see how you've improved. You're bound to have learned something after having to fight against bandits so many times," Arthur said, waving his hand airily. He turned away, glancing out the window while grabbing his sword, motioning for Merlin to help him put it on.

He did so, tightening the belt maybe a hole too tight, smirking when Arthur swatted him away, fixing it. Merlin took another step back, watching Arthur. "Anything else you need?"

"Well, there are some things you need. You'll need chainmail, and the weapons are already down at the training area. Ooh, maybe we'll get you your own sword after this." Arthur eyed Merlin, then strode over to his dresser, throwing it open and grabbing the chainmail that was just dropped on the bottom, tossing the bundle at Merlin. It struck him in the chest, but he managed to catch it.

"What? Where'd this come from?" He asked, walking over to Arthur's bed and spreading out the chainmail top, noticing the armguards. They had a small Pendragon crest carved into them.

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