5. When the Mad Receive Relief, the Wits of Some are Forsaken

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 A/N: Hello everybody! Today we have a very special event taking place. I'm not sure if any of you know, but Keven (AKA Parogar) helps me edit this story, and today, I decided I might keep in one of his humorous "additions." So, try and see if you can find the paragraph that Kevin wrote! I guarantee it'll completely stick out ahahhaha.Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

5. When the Mad Receive Relief, the Wits of Some are Forsaken

            Rin smiled.

            There was something about a skinless corpse that really got him off. Maybe it was the way the blood flowed over the rigid muscles, or maybe it was the mere fact that he’d never made a marionette without skin before. Oh, how he yearned to make one--to see the limbs, torso and head strung across the floor in a poetically elegant fashion. Maybe he could make one now, only with two bodies instead of one. Killing Jane would be easy, and for this to work, it was necessary.

            The pressure pushing against the inside of his head lessoned and his migraine gradually disappeared. It seemed that planning another show was the cure to his mental distress.

            Anything, he thought. I’ll do anything to get rid of this damn headache.

            He lifted his hands in preparation for the performance.

            His puppet-wire was exactly how it seemed, except he used his fingers to move the strings rather than a control bar. Ever since he’d gone to that psychic fair two years ago with his girlfriend, he could make celestial white wires extend from the tips of his fingers. He could wrap them around various objects and move them to any place he pointed, and if he twitched his finger ever so slightly, he could cut even the toughest material in two. This is how he severed the cashier’s head, and this was how he was going to set the stage.

            The puppet-wire crept out of his fingertips like a child unraveling yarn. Usually, he’d attract his prey as if they were kittens that wanted to play. Humans were so easily distracted by strange lights, and when they saw the glowing strings dangling in the air above them, they’d stop and gawk for a few short seconds. This was all Rin needed to snatch them away. It was easy, and more than that, it was electrifying. The only problem with his current situation was that Jane needed to die first, and Rin didn’t have a place to hide.

            Behind him, there was a grunt, followed by a shuffling sound and then the charming melody of Jane throwing up.

            Rin’s heart raced.

            This was his chance, his one moment to relieve the pressure that was growing inside his head, but somehow his mind had changed. Jane was too innocent, too… too untouchable. For some reason, he felt as if it was his duty to protect her. As he remembered what his moment of temporary insanity had tempted him to do, he felt ashamed. The puppet-wire crept back into its mysterious haven, and his hands relaxed.

            “It’s over,” Rin said. “You can relax now, Jane.”

            Rin turned around and then froze. The scene that’d been staged before him was not what he’d expected.

            At the far left, partially hidden behind a tipped over shelf, Jane was on all fours with tears in her eyes. A naked woman with a buzz cut sat beside her, holding back Jane’s hair so she wouldn’t get puke on it. For a moment, Rin smiled. The woman was beautiful, but this was not the time to get distracted. Where had she come from? Why was she naked, and why was she acting so compassionate towards a stranger? Maybe she knew Jane, maybe she didn’t. Either way, everything about this white-haired woman was odd.

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