"Hey, the phone case is ready." The person says. I thank them and say that I will be there in a few minutes.

I arrive at the store and the man who made the phone case gives it to me. I try and pay buck he declines. "On the house. Have a fun ride." He says as I am kicked out of his store. "But..." I begin to say before I realized that I was outside and on the curb. "Thank you!" I yell through the door of the store.

I begin to walk to the boat. Will they like what I got them? Will they hate them? I get on the boat and get to my room since I am going to sleep till I get there.


"Wake up (Y/N)." I hear a female voice whisper. I open my eyes and jolt up from my bed. To see a woman sitting at the end of my bed. "Mother?" I say as my eyes begin to tear up. "How are you here? Am I dreaming?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry Princess, but yes you are dreaming but I am the real thing. I just wanted to warn you that something bad is going to happen this week. Make sure to protect whoever you can." She says to me with a worried voice.

Suddenly I am woken by a sound of the boat stopping. I get out of the bed and get my stuff ready to get on the land.

"(Y/N)! Over here!" I hear a male voice yell to me. I look in the direction it came from to see someone I haven't see in years. I run over to them I drop my stuff in front of them and hug them tightly. "I've missed you Jean!" I say squeezing him tightly. "O-o-OK, (Y-Y-Y/N) I c-c-can't breath!" Jean says as I let go. Jean Kirstein, 18 years old. Quirk-Portal, He Can make a portal to go anywhere you think of. Jean can only make two a day. he knows hand-to-hand combat. If he does it more than Twice a day he will lose some skin and will throw up. He then won't be able to make a portal for a few days.

I look to the ground and apologies. A hand goes to my chin and lifts my head. "It's fine. I've missed you too. Come on we better hurry before you-know-who comes." He says. He helps me with my stuff and we rush to a safe area. He then creates a portal and we walk through.

"Welcome Back (Y/N)!" Many different voices yell out as I get on the other side of the portal. I look in the direction of the voices to see my childhood friends. I run up to each and every one of them. "I've missed you guys so much!" I said. For the first time in a while I felt genuinely happy. "I haven't seen you guys in ages how have you been?"

"I've been hungry!" Sasha says as she rubs her stomach. Sasha Braus, 18 years old. Quirkless, She is really good at Archery and tracking. Sasha helps her team by tracking the villain/Titans, she uses either a bow or a blowpipe to neutralize their opponents. Sadly she can't fight hand-to-hand combat, but she is learning so she can be a better hero.

"Making sure everything is clean." Levi says as he looks towards everyone in the room, except me of course. Levi Ackermann, 20 years old. Quirk-Dual Blade, He can make blades come from his wrists and can drop them at will. they are made from a steel like material created by his body. He can't retract it back into his body after he has drawn them. Depending on how much iron he intakes determines the strength of the blades. It takes a lot of energy to produce them. Levi is in charge of the whole agency.

The Past (fem Reader x My hero Acadamia boys)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ